Chapter 1

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I heard my brother yelling at me to hurry up from downstairs. "One minute!" I yelled back. I grabbed my bag and took one last glance in the mirror. I pushed my brown hair to one side and added a touch of lip gloss to my lips. Once I was satisfied I headed downstairs to the kitchen. "Finally, what the hell were you even doing up there?" Noah asked. I rolled my eyes at my brother and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl. "Can we go now?" I said. He groaned and grabbed his keys from the counter before heading off to the car. I got in and dumped my bag in the back seat. "So my little sis is finally starting college huh?"

"Shut up." I punched him in the arm and he laughed and shook his head.

When we reached the school he stopped his car and I nervously got out. You would think that after four years of attending this school, I would no longer be nervous at the idea of the first day of school. However, this year was different. I am now in year 12 and I was certain that a lot more was expected of me this year compared to the past years. "If you want a ride after school don't be late. I'll pick you up from the front." My brother warned me before he drove off. I sighed and walked to the other side of the school to the senior locker rooms. As soon as I had stuffed my bag in my locker the bell went off. I looked out the window and frowned at the miserable weather. Summer had flown by too fast and autumn was approaching. The leaves on the trees had turned red and golden brown, adding some colour onto the boring school campus. I almost missed being a junior. Although we had more rules to follow,  we had less work to do. I was still finding it hard to believe that this was the last year left in this place before I would graduate and start living my life. When the locker room was nearly empty, I grabbed my books from my locker before heading down to homeroom.

As I walked into the classroom, I noticed nearly everyone in my year was already there. Everyone was busy chattering away, catching up from the holidays. When Ms Robertson noticed me she smiled and gave me a new timetable for the year. "Welcome back Alison, hope you had a good break," She said before walking off to the next student who walked into the class. My eyes eagerly scanned the page. Most of the teachers this year were the same as the last.

"Ali!" Katie yelled at me from the back of the classroom. I smiled and walked over to her. "Hey!" Katie said as she gave me a hug.  I sat down in the chair beside her. We caught up and talked about what we did in the summer holidays.

As soon as the bell rung I headed to Biology. I didn't really like science at all but all the other subjects available weren't any better. I had no friends in the class so I ended up choosing the spare seat next to Mandy the smartest girl in my year. Mrs Rae handed out our unit outlines; a summary of topics we will cover throughout the term and the dates of the tests and assignments. We didn't do much during the lesson; most of it was just talking about the topics we were going to cover this semester.

I slowly walked into my English classroom and saw Katie at the back. I took the seat next to her and she groaned. "Can you believe it's only the first day of school? We've only had one class and I think I'm already going to pass out," I laughed at her. "Yeah me too. I've already started counting down until the holidays." We heard someone clear their throat and we looked to the front. Mr Collins was standing in front of his desk looking chilled and relaxed. "Welcome back guys. As you know, Mr Brown took leave this year so I will be taking his place. I hope you're all ready to work hard this year," He spoke with a calm voice which had a hint of excitement in it. Everyone groaned. How is so chilled about being at school and teaching a bunch of teenagers? I would give anything to be at home sleeping right now. He gave a slight chuckle. "Come on guys it won't be that bad, I'm here to help you and make sure you pass English. There are a few of you I haven't taught before, so I thought I'd better introduce myself," He sat down on the edge of his desk. "My name's Mr Collins and I'm going to be your English teacher for the year." He started calling out the roll and when he got to my name he hesitated. "Alison," 

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