Chapter 2

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Our parents came home at about 10pm tonight. Their usual routine is go to sleep early and wake up early. They don't have time to look after us so they trust us to look after ourselves. My mum used to be home a lot until three years ago when she got a job as an architect. Nowadays she's always at her office busy with work. 

We waited until our parents were in their room and thought we were asleep. The good thing about our house is that it's quite big so it's easy for you to sneak out. 

I was just putting the finishing touches to my makeup. I decided to go for that typical concert look; black singlet, dark blue shorts and a red flannel tied around my waist. Noah quietly walked into my room. "Aren't you going to be cold?" I shook my head. "It's normally hot in concerts, so I'll be fine."

"Ok, let's go." I switched the lamp off and grabbed my bag before I followed my brother down the cold marble staircase. The front door creaks when you open it so we decided to climb out of the living room window. I watched as Noah pulled it open and softly landed with a thud onto the grass. As I climbed out, the cold chilly air hit my face, instantly turning my cheeks cold. Noah quietly shut the window and turned to face me. "It's too noisy to take my car, my friends are picking us up from down the block," He whispered. I nodded and followed him down the footpath.

When we got to the club in Pitt Street we joined the queue to get in. "Got your ID?" Noah asked worriedly. "Yes i double checked before we left, it'll be fine just relax." I could tell he was tense and I didn't blame him. If we got caught it would be his fault for taking me with him. The bouncer asked for our IDs and we all showed them to him. He nodded and lifted the rope allowing us entry. As we entered, I had an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. This is the first time I've been to a club. It's also the first time I've gone behind my parents back. What's happening to me? A year ago I wouldn't have dared to do this, so what's changed? 

It was quite dark inside with a few dim lights placed around the room. Just as I expected the room was hot and stuffy. There were already quite a lot of people here. We headed towards the stage and I started humming to Ocean Drive, which was playing in the background. I studied the people around me. Some people had beer cups in their hands while they chatted to their friends. An idea suddenly hit me. I turned to Noah who was talking to his friend, Justin. "I'm going to get a drink."

"Ali," Noah warned. "Come on, it's just a cocktail. I'm nearly 18 anyways." Noah rolled his eyes at me. "What am I going to do with you, sis?" I shrugged. "I won't drink too much, I know what I'm doing."

"It's okay Noah, I'll go with her." Izzy followed me to the bar and we waited until the bartender served us. "Can I get two Jim Beam Colas, one Piña Colada and one-" Izzy looked at me and smiled. "Cosmopolitan please." The bartender nodded and turned around to make them. "I'm assuming you've drunk before?" Izzy asked. "Yeah, twice. Please don't tell Noah though, I don't want him to know." She laughed and shook her head. "Don't worry, I won't. I had my first drink when I was 16. But promise me this won't be a regular thing for you." I nodded. "Yeah I know the consequences." Once the bartender finished making the drinks, Izzy handed him the money. "Don't worry about it, it's my treat."

"Thanks," I said as I started drinking the cocktail. The alcohol burned my throat but I tried my best to hide it. I drank the cocktail as quickly as I could before Izzy and I headed back to my brother and Justin. Towards the edge of the stage, I caught a glimpse of a man who seemed to be looking in my direction. I squinted at him but it was too dark to recognise who it was. "You're so going to regret this in the morning," Noah said as he shook his head in regret of bringing me here. He took a sip of his drink and I laughed. "Lighten up bro, I'm having fun!" His friend, Izzy started laughing at me. "Come on let's go closer to the stage." We pushed past a few people which made them annoyed at us. By now we were trapped in the crowd. I couldn't see Noah but Izzy was near me. "Alison?" My head snapped around and once I saw his face my body froze in shock. "Mr Collins, uh hi." Shit, what if he reports me for being at a nightclub? I'm pretty sure he knows I'm not eighteen yet. "I'm not even going to question how you got in here." He said like he just read my mind. I could tell from his tone of voice that he definitely wasn't pleased with seeing me here. The alcohol was kicking in because I started to feel slightly light headed.

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