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Everyone was tired from their last hunt. But someone still had to drive and so it came Isabel was driving. Mikky was sleeping in the passenger seat and Marit and Lianne were petting Cerberus in the back. "Does that look familiar to someone?" Marit and Lianne's head snapped up at those words. "What do you mean?" Marit was rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and gasped. Isabel pointed at the Chevrolet Impala on the parking lot of the motel they had chosen to stay at. "Should it look familiar?" Lianne had never seen the car before so to her it made no sense, but for the Harvelle sisters it did. Isabel parked their own Morris Minor Traveller next to the Impala and she turned to face Mikky, who was clearly fast asleep. "Not my story to tell, sweetheart, but I can tell you, it means it indeed is a job." Mikky finally woke up from the talking around her and noticed the engine had stopped. She looked to her side and her heart skipped a beat. "This means trouble." It was only a mumble, but Lianne must have heard it as she furrowed her eyebrows. "How does that car mean trouble?" Isabel's focus was put on her surroundings, she was clearly on the watch for someone, or something. "It's my dad's, unless Dean's finally got it..." Lianne's frown didn't disappear, it only grew bigger. "Dean's my brother, Sam's too, but he quitted hunting to go to college. Anyway, they're hunters too and well, neither of them is quite keen on me hunting." Lianne nodded understanding. "Well, let's get out and get a room. I want to get some sleep before we set off, I'm wrecked." Isabel confirmed her words with a big jaw with and all four of them got out of the car. "You, watch over the car, all right? Good night sweetheart." Luckily they had fed Cerberus along the way, so they could go get a room. "I still don't like to lie to those people." Mikky stopped and turned to her friend, while Isabel and Marit continued the way. "Lianne, if you don't people die, you know that. So what's worse? Innocent people dying or a small lie?" Lianne nodded and they waited outside for the sisters to return with the keys. After a few minutes they returned and they went to their rooms, like always, Isabel and Marit and Lianne and Mikky shared a room. They wished each other a good night and entered their rooms. Marit and Isabel in room 16 and Mikky and Lianne room 15.

But after a few moments one of the doors opened again and Mikky came out. She had told Lianne she would go for a small walk, but that was not the plan. She made her way towards the reception and greeted the man behind the desk. "I wondered if you could help me with something?" The man, apparently called Mark, nodded. "Could you tell me if there possibly is a Jim Rockford staying here?" Mark started looking in his register. "No, I'm sorry, no Jim Rockford." Mikky's smile faded, but as soon as it did she got an idea. "Ahw, that's too bad, but you can't tell me to who that beautiful car out there belongs to, can you?" "I'm afraid I can't just give you that information, I'm sorry." "Too bad, I wanted to offer them a photoshoot for a European car-magazine. But no problem, I'll find another one." And with those words she walked back to her room and laid down on her bed, overthinking her plan. It was simple, it had to be her dad's car, and he would definitely suspect something behind a request like this one. But as she didn't know in which room he stayed, she did know that 'Mark' would tell him about the request and well, the rest is easy. Her brainstorming was however interrupted by Lianne. "You never told me you had brothers." Mikky looked at her friend, it was true, she never talked about her family. But this was mostly because Marit and Isabel didn't ask and she forgot Lianne. "As I said I've got two brothers, well half brothers, same father different mother. My mother was killed by a demon and my father killed it and took me in. Sam, the youngest, is three years older than me, but he quitted hunting and went to college four years ago. My eldest brother, Dean, is seven years older and as far as I know he's hunting with my dad." Lianne nodded, but a question raised in her eyes. "What happened to their mother?" Mikky shrugged. "They don't want to talk about it, but I bet it has something to do with the supernatural." After some thinking both redressed and went to bed, after wishing each other a good night. As Mikky pulled up the covers it became clear to her how exhausted she really was, so it didn't took her long to fall asleep.

Marit and Isabel entered their room for the night, and most likely the couple of nights coming too. Isabel wasn't quite the type to sleep much or early so she went to her duffel bag and grabbed her knife. She had once gotten it from her father and it was very precious to her, so she took good care of it. Marit was sitting in one of the beds, and Isabel sat down at the small table in the room, sharpening her knife. The girls went in silence for sometime before Marit switched on the television, hoping for a good horror movie to be on. Luckily for her there was one, Orphan. She knew it already, but it was a good one so she decided to watch it. "What are we watching?" Isabel joined her sister on the bed, after putting her knife away. "Orphan." Isabel laughed and together they watched the movie. But after sometime Marit laid knock-out on the bed, fast asleep. Isabel continued watching, no change Marit would wake up.

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