Chapter Twelve: Starting New

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"When we got the call from Mr. Volkov, we were very surprised. Van told me you were very bright, and that our system would suit you perfectly, Aira," the woman smiled and slipped a bit of paper across the desk. "These scores are outstanding. It's hard to think you're not even in middle school yet, which is why we are excited to offer you a place here in Newport."

Aira fiddled with her hands as the school administrator beamed at her. "Thank you..." she muttered. Calista could tell the child felt uncomfortable being praised.

"Tell me, Mrs. Volkov, where did you think of such a pretty name? I've never heard of it before. Aira, I mean," she asked, her eyes bright and curious. Something about the way the administrator asked this question didn't sit right with Aira, but she continued to ignore the itching feeling that was slowly creeping across her skin.

Emma smiled as if she had known all along why Aira was given her name. "It means 'Of the Wind' because my husband and I knew that one day Aira would spread her wings and go places, meet people and do good things with her life." Her eyes were filled with love and adoration as she looked at Aira. "Aiden really enjoyed it here."

The administrator laughed. "Keeping with the As, I like it. Aiden was such an... active student here, will he be returning?"

The light in Emma's eyes seemed to vanish almost instantly at the mention of Aira's brother. "No, unfortunately, we sent him away with my brother-in-law so that he can... study and reach his full potential — potential he might not otherwise achieve here in the States."

Calista's smile instantly vanished when Emma finished her sentence. "Right, well then, we look forward to seeing you here in September, Aira. Your class sheet and information booklet will be sent out to you in the mail in about a week or so, and orientation is September 2nd. Welcome to Newport, Miss Volkov, and call me Calista from now on, Mrs. Volkov. Feel free to look around and meet some of Aira's teachers."

The conversation ended quickly, and Emma graciously shook the administrator's hand and told Aira to thank the woman. Aira visibly blanched and quickly mumbled a thank you. By the end of the conversation, the girl looked as if something were wrong. With a quick goodbye, Calista's smile fell instantly from her face.

"It's done..."

Calista's face fell in a grimace, and her seemingly innocent charm had vanished. Her shoulders tightened, and her neck cracked as she twisted it from side to side. "The smell of that girl is putrid. It took me back to the day I could have ripped her apart."

A loud grunt came from behind her. "In time, Calista." He jumped through the window and moved to a drawer under her desk, where he pulled out a packet of cigarettes.

Calista clenched her fists and was only holding onto her wolf by a mere thread. "I could have had her that day, Erik. I could have ended this and saved our future. The older she grows, the more chance we take that... that... Van will find his mate and banish us for what we've done!"

Erik sighed and ran a hand through his thick tangled mass of hair. "She's a little girl, still. Volkov is in Russia with his mutts. The problem will be only if he returns before we can take care of the problem."

Calista folded her arms over her chest and sighed heavily. "This wasn't supposed to happen, Erik. He wasn't supposed to find her yet, if at all. Noah warned us, and you didn't take his warning seriously!"

Calista huffed and undid the first two buttons of her blouse. The office was hot and stuffy, and she could feel the sweat dripping from her forehead just thinking about what that girl had in store. "Pups, elders, our brothers and sisters, Erik, because of her, they all die. Volkov will be stronger than anyone could have ever imagined, and then Ronan will throw our asses to the vampires!"

Erik, already aware of this, sighed. "Yes, I know. Everyone knows."

Calista looked out the window, spying down on the girl as she walked with her mother. "She doesn't know the harm her very existence will do to our kind, not until it's too late. We are stronger than these humans. We should be ruling over them, and they should be the ones in hiding!"

Erik thought for a moment, taking in what Calista had just said and shifted uncomfortably as he took a long drag of smoke. "One way or another, she will die, Calista, and then we will roam these lands free once again. I only hope her death doesn't anger Volkov, or we'll all be as dead as those bloodsuckers."

"They haven't mated yet. Her death will mean nothing." At least, that's what the golden haired she-wolf had hoped.

Erik grunted. "In time, all who have been hurt will thank us for what we've done. They will never know the good she brought, or the destruction." His grin was wide as he thought of a future where wolves ruled over the humans. "Ronan has promised the vampires never-ending feasts for their assistance. We can't lose even if Volkov catches on prematurely."

"I hope you're right, Erik..." Calista eyed the child who smiled and laughed while Emma talked to her about how great the school was, thanks to Calista's heightened senses. "I hope you're right."

Lady and the Wolf [Book One, Lady and the Wolf Series] -Published-Where stories live. Discover now