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Harrys p.o.v

Nialls c- section is tomorrow morning! Im scared. What if something goes wrong?!

"Harry whats wrong? You look like you just seen a gost." Niall says.

"Im scared." I answer

He sighs.

"I am too but we will be fine. I promise. Now come on lets go to sleep, we have to be up early tomorrow." He says grabinmg my hand and basically dragging me up the stairs to our room.

We were laying down and i couldnt sleep.

Me and  Niall havent spooken to our dads since the day we seen them kissing. Its so weird to think they are together. Even more weird to think that my dad is gay. I Never in a million years thought my dad would be gay.

Finally sleep took me over and I went into dream land.

The beeping of the alarm clock woke me up.

"Niall, baby wake up we have to get ready." I say.

He groans but gets up never the less.

After about 15 minuets we are ready. We packed the bags earlier so this morning all we had to do was get dressed brush our teeth and do our hair. Well im my case i just flipped my hair but Niall put some gel in his.

We were on our way to the hospital when i started to get nervous again.

When we walked in i saw my mom and Nialls mom.

"Boys! Are you ready to be fathers?! " Nialls mom beamed.

"As ready as we will ever be." Niall said with a small laugh.

"Boys i love you both! I cant wait to be a grandma!" My mom said.

"Well we have to get to the room so they can get Niall ready." I say.

"Oh my god, next time i see my baby he will be a daddy! "Nialls mom said.

"I love you both!" My mom said.

We gave them hugs and Nialls mom told us she loved us and then we went to the room the nurse practioner told us to go to.

 Niall go undressed as he was told and they put this brown looking liqued on him tummy. They set up a curtine in frount of his face so he couldnt see what was going on but i could i leaned over and looked.

 They covered up his privet part with a cloth so the only thing they could she was his giant tummy.

He is so cute pregnant and its going to be weird when he has a flat tummy.

"Alright Niall we are going to get started." Sara the nurse practioner said.

I pulled out myphone and started to video type Niall and talk to him to keep him mind off the uncomfortable feeling going on behind the blue curtain.

"Baby, in a few minuets we will have are babies in our arms. Are you excited?" I ask

"Yes im very excited. I love you Harry." He says.

I lean down and kiss him.

"Baby numer 1 its a Girl!" I heard Sara say.

I smile and looked over the curtain,

"Harry would you like to cut the cord?"

I nodded.

She showed me where to cut it and I cut the cord.

I was still video typing my I add.

They wrapped her up in a blanket and handed her to me so I could show Niall her.

His eyes lit up when he saw her.

"Nola." He whispered.

I smiled brightly at him.

They took Nola so they could get her cleaned up and weigh her and stuff.

"Okay the second baby is almost out." Sara said.

I was still video typing and talking to Niall,

"Baby number 2 is out! Its a boy!"

"Treylyn." I say,

I cut the cord and Niall gets to see him before they take him away to be cleaned.

"Baby 3 is a boy!"


I do the same with Micah.

"Last baby, Its a girl! "


I cut they cord and show Niall her, then she is taken away.

They put stiches in Nialls tummy and then clean him up and take the curtain down.

"You did great baby im so proud of you." I say then kiss him.

" Im sleepy." He says.

"Go to bed baby." I say,

He gives a slight nod before falling asleep.

I walk out of the room and into the waiting room.

"Two girls and two boys! There beautiful you guys have to see them!" I say.

They smile and hug me.

"Is Niall asleep?" His mom ask.


She nods.

We walk to the baby room so we can see the babies.

they were the only four babies in there. All the other must be with there parents.

Sara came up to me.

"Congrats Harry, your babies are perfectly healthy. There small but they will be fine. Nola is the smallest, she is 4.1 pounds Adara is 4.6 Treylyn  is 4.8 and Micah is 5.0. " She says.

We all hold them.

"Well Niall should be awake soon so lets bring them to our room." I say.

They nod.

My mom is holding Nola Nialls mom is holding Micah and im hold Adara and Treylyn.

We walk in the room and Niall is looking up at the celling smiling.

"Baby look who I brought." I say.

 He turns his head and smiles even bigger when he see my mom his mom and our babies.

I hand him Adara.

He smiles down at her and kisses her forehead.

We let him hold all the babies and then our moms leave so its just me him and our babies.

Theres four cribs in the room so they can sleep with us.

 We feed them and then I lay them in there cribs so they can sleep.

I lay down next to Niall on the hospital bed even though im not supposed to and kiss his cheek then fall asleep.




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