Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My Fans Who Kept Me Writing

Sequil to White Wings Make you Fly

Chapter One: Ruins and Secrets

“So where are we going?” I asked Lucious.

“Where ever it is you wish to go first.” He replied starting at me with his penetrating eyes. Luscious had been like that since we arrived at the castle, it was only at me and I wondered what it meant, it was as if he was waiting for me to do something, but I couldn’t figure out for the life of me what that something was.

“Well since we’re here at the most famous ruins in the world I thought you would like to at least choose where we start since I picked the place.” I said giggling.

“I don’t have a preference I’m just happy to be in your company.”

I gave him a questioning look and shrugged looking around. The ruins of G’ahi where large, tall, and covered in vegetation, they had been around for thousands of years. “Lucious did you know these ruins where around when the last white one lived?”


“Yes, it was said she died here to save everyone from the cursed one.”

“I didn’t know that, I thought the cursed one only appeared but rarely released his power, I never knew they coincided with the white one’s appearance.”

“I think it’s a rare thing, in the story he was very old and she was just hitting puberty. Anyways there use to be a castle above here and she was shoved off as he released his power, and at that moment she flew and shifted time to kill him. However doing so didn’t change time for her being shoved off and she fell and died.”

“Princess, that story makes no sense.”

“How so?”

“Because you say she flew, if she was able to fly then she wouldn’t have fell, secondly if she changed time and killed him she wouldn’t have fell in the first place.” It seemed like he wanted to say more but he only shrugged as he saw my pouty face. One thing was for sure, he never fell for my pouty face like everyone else.

“Yes because…. Because perhaps the only way she can fly is through time, that’s her way of flying, and… I mean maybe she can change everyone else’s fate and alter time but can’t alter herself! Ha I proved you wrong!” I replied turning my pouty face into one of triumph.

He looked at me with a face that said I was wrong, but I just rolled my eyes, he had no proof against it after all. I think he just liked to be right. “Well since you can’t decide where to go… I say we go to the top!”

“This place is old and crumbled, with vegetation everywhere. Who’s to say there even is a top?”

“Lucious…. “I sighed deeply “Please let me have some fun while I’m here.”

“What ever do you mean?”

“Once we’re done exploring, I’ve been told to marry, so please stop bursting my bubble and come explore with me.”

He took a step back stunned. “Marriage? To whom?”

“A Favored noble man’s son, who’s very close to the king named Jurar. The father was going to be a Duke but he declined the offer to pass it on to his favored son when he came of age. It was rumored he was to marry Lady Lilia a plump fat woman, though very kind. However I’m of higher status and while we live in the palace we can visit his parents in Auror’a castle. Mother wanted me dearly to marry a Prince but since I have yet been able to fly there’s a chance I might die after this trip so better I be promised to a Duke then a Prince.”

I turned to him and saw his face, it read something between horror and wanting to kill someone. “You cannot marry him”

“Why ever not?”

“He is pig’s swine and his father is just as bad.”

“You don’t even know them.”

“I may not know them but I know many things. Please stay away from that family.”

I was silent but I refused to look at him. “The only way I am to marry anyone else is to fly or request. I cannot marry anything less then noble Luscious.”

“I understand princess, I only worry for your safety and well being and nothing more.”

I felt my heart drop but I shrugged it off. “Lets go this way.” I replied with a false smile. Wild flowers lead us inside the crumbled ruins, and I looked around amazed at the carvings, the floor was stones in pieces, flowers growing through all of the cracks big and small. “This place looks like another world!”

“One full of flowers maybe… it’s making me want to sneeze.”

“You always dampen my fun.” We entered a large room, it looked almost like a room where people would conduct ceremonies, but what made me shrivel back was there was a large slab in the middle of the room that was blood stained. “Lucious?”

“Old rituals Arasala, lets go to a different room.”

“They… didn’t kill people here… did they?”

“Likely just animals, as we would kill a cow to eat only for religious purposes. No worries princess you are safe, I promise you.” He said rubbing my back, it made my wings flutter nervously and I did my best to hide my blush.

“Thank you Lucious for the comfort.”

“Your welcome Princess.” He said removing his hand. I felt something in my heart drop but I ignored it looking around the cavern. “There’s stairs, do you think we can climb them?”

“If not I can always carry you and we can fly.” He replied eyeing them carefully. “Let me try first if you don’t mind? I would never be forgiven if our princess was harmed on crumbling stairs.” With a small bow he quickly rushed to the stairs and began to climb them.

I bit my lip, and crossed my arms around me. After a moment I looked around me, besides the stone in the middle everything in here looked pleasant. The flowers looked as if they had grown there forever and the alter, though there where obviously missing pieces looked beautiful. Curious I walked over to it avoiding the stone slab as much as possible.

The alter had crumbled herbs beyond dried, though their smell seemed to ink every inch of the area. Though it was made of stone it was extremely smooth to the touch, but it was easy to take note this close how odd the stone looked, it had an aqua tint to it, as if it where alive. Curious I saw a flower freshly cut on the alter, as if it where waiting to bloom next to a knife that was stained with dry blood from long ago. The knife was ceremonial, the handle stone as the alter and painted with faded colors.

“The stairs are safe my lady.” Lucious said suddenly behind me. I jumped turning toward him, he looked at me with a curious look. “I thought this room scared you?”

“Just the stone… someone has been here recently.”

“Well it is a kind of tourist attraction to some.”

“But why would someone place a strange flower here of all places?”

“I don’t know, but it truly is beautiful, perhaps I found one to match finally.” He replied picking it up and putting it in my hair wrapping my hair around it in a braid. “When it blooms I hope to see you smile, because it will only make the image that more breath taking my lady.”

My heart leapt up in my throat and I looked away from his eyes. “Let’s go up the stairs.” I murmured.

I hated it when he spoke such words, I could never marry him. The law had to be upheld even if my days where ending.

As I climbed the stairs, each step that I rose, my heart fell a little more. It wouldn’t matter anyways, I lied to him when I told him how long I had to live. If I didn’t fly within two months I would die from an unknown illness. Then it wouldn’t matter how I felt about him in the slightest.

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