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*2 Months Later*

I took a drag of my cigarette and tilted my head back so it leaned against the wall. I blew out a long line of smoke and stared at the sky.

Since Timothy and I broke up the book store I worked at closed so I decided to go back to college. Dropping out early was the worst mistake I ever made. Back then I thought I could work at a book store, marry some guy, have kids and then died happily. Like that would ever happen.

Going back to college was the best thing I ever did. I was taking Media Studies and Music and both classes made me feel happy, like I was worth something. But every time the class ended I would remember that I'm a nobody who couldn't keep or have an honest boyfriend.

Life sucks. I have to deal with that.

"Smoking's not good for you." I heard someone say beside me. I turned my head to the right to see a boy who's face I faintly remember. His brown hair and brown messenger bag rung a bell in the back of my mind. He held out his hand for me to take.

"I'm Ryan," he told me as I took his outstretched hand.


He chuckled. "I know, I'm in your Media Studies class." I mentally slapped myself. That's where he was from. How could I not remember his face, it was such a nice face...

"I knew that." I told him trying to sound confident in my answer. I thought it sounded convincing. He rolled his eyes.


Okay maybe it wasn't so convincing.

"So, I hear you dated Timothy Thompson?" he suddenly blurted out.

"Yeah." I sighed running a hand through my hair. "He's the biggest dick I have ever met, which is funny since he has a tiny dick" I laughed lightly.

"Tell me about it" Ryan grumbled. "He dated my sister, broke her heart just like that" he snapped his fingers to demonstrate his point. 

"Poor girl" I muttered dropping my cigarette onto the floor and putting it out with my foot. Ryan looked down at his watch.

"Class starts in half an hour, wanna go get some coffee or what ever you like to drink?" he asked pointing to the new coffee place down the road. I looked at the shop then back to Ryan. I shrugged.

"Sure why not?"

He smiled and we walked out of the ally way and across the street to the coffee shop.

And that is how a girl met the boy of her dreams.


The end!

I finished a book! A short book but still a book!


Hope you enjoyed this story. I enjoyed writing it. Oh and did you notice the name pattern?

Rachel and Ryan.

Timothy and Tanya.

I only noticed it :P

Bub bye xx

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