Every Breath You Take

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Dell stared into the eyes of the man who had been her entire world for almost 2 years, hoping to see some bit of kindness in them but all she saw was emptiness. It had been one, long never-ending nightmare but still he was her world, even though she hated living in that world. 

Jacob pushed her forward along the dirt path that lead to the swamp. She tried to think of something to say that would stop him from whatever he had planned for her but her heart told her that saying nothing was the safest rout to follow.

Unconsciously, Dell wrinkled her nose at the moldy smell of the swamp, somewhere in the back of her mind she thought she smelled rotting corpses. 

In the two years since she'd been kidnapped by Jacob, she'd been forced to do things she never would have even considered, or even knew there were people who did them. Yes, she knew the smell of dead bodies quite well... And blood. 

Blood haunted her asleep and awake. Her dreams always seemed to have a red tinge to them. 

Suddenly Jacob gripped her arm and she looked up from her feet and realized that they were at his destination. She had grown up only 20 miles from this park and she knew why he had chosen this spot of all places, It was the Alligator nest, and this was when the mother alligators would be at their most aggressive. 

"Please Jacob! Don't kill me! I didn't mean to-" Dell started to plead with him but he cut her off.

"You failed me, It's time for you to get what you deserve." Jacob hissed at her and pushed her so she was hanging over the nest and the only thing keeping her from falling in was his hand holding her neck.

Dell's heart pounded so loud everything he said was like a whisper in her ears. Tears filled her big gray eyes and she knew that she was about to die.

"Please..." She managed to choke out, cringing when she heard the female alligators start to get agitated from their presence.

Jacob stared into her eyes and for a second then released his hold on her neck.

Dell managed to scream once before she landed in the water and then her world was just pain and as always... blood. 

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