Not going to get me

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First Note in a story :) Fun! 

Well I really enjoy writing this story and spend all my time thinking of ways to make it scary and horriblely gross teeheehee... later on of course... this is all childsplay.

Vote if you like

or tell me if my sentences run on too long.. I know they do! Sometimes at least. 

I like horror story writing.



(lets out my inner psycho)



"Nora! Wake up!"  A voice yelled close to Nora's ear, and at the same time she felt someone poking at her cheek. Only one person would be random enough to think that yelling and poking someone would wake them up from having passed out, though she had to admit, it appeared to have worked. 

"Wahhh?" She groaned, opening her eyes then closing them when the bright white light blinded her," Where am I? Aliens?" Nora added aliens in to let Jenny know she was ok, it was their inside joke from when a young Nora had mistakenly thought the light in the nurse's office meant she'd been abducted by alien's when she'd passed out the first day of second grade. 

Jenny laughed, but It was obvious that she was still really worried. Nora lifted her hand up so she could shade her eyes with it and attempted a second time to open them. This time she allowed herself to adjust to the bright room and everything came into focus.

She was laying on a table obviously in some sort of examination room, "Where am I?" Nora moaned, "That guy from the dance floor... he's been following me." 

"What guy? Following you?" Jenny gasped, "Did he hurt you?" She leaned over the table and gripped Nora's hand. Her blue eyes were wide with panic, she never did handle stressful well.

Nora rolled her eyes, "I'm fine, my head just hurts and I'm kinda freaked out by that guy." That was mostly true, but it was more like, almost paralyzed with fear. But she couldn't really let anyone know that, she didn't want to appear like some kind of freak.

Nora slowly sat up and winced at her pounding head, it seemd like she always was having head aches these days for one reason or another. 

Jenny reached out and rubbed her shoulders, "You sure you're ok to walk Nora?"  Her pretty blue eyes were red rimmed from crying and Nora felt a flash of guilt at worrying her best friend so much.

She smiled weakly, "I'm great dude, don't worry. Just a little out of it I guess." Nora downplayed her feelings so she could get home and think this all out on her own.

On the drive home from the ER Jenny kept asking how she was and Nora always smiled and looked sheepish. They pulled up to Nora's house and she got out quickly with a promise to call Jenny up first thing tomorrow.

"Don't forget or I'll be here banging on your door NORA BRIGGITA MACKENZIE!" Jenny threatened through her open window as she drove off, leaving Nora shaking her head at the sheer silliness of her best friend.

Nora watched Jenny's taillights dissapear around a corner and suddenly realized how very alone she really was. There were no streetlights close to her house and it was 3am in the morning.

"I Need to get inside before I get chopped up in little pieces by whoever this freak is who's following me." She looked around warily, trying to keep  her mind in happy places.

As she walked quickly up her cobblestone pathway leading to her house she sang funny songs to herself and avoided looking around, "Show me, show me, show me, how you make that cake, the one that takes three hours to bake..." Nora smiled slightly at her favorite parody of the song "Just like heaven" by The Cure, It never failed to make her feel  a little bit better, even if it was just a tiny bit.

she unlocked her door and made sure to bolt it shut behind her before she almost ran to the bedroom. Nora had never quite gotten used to livng on her own, and comming home to an empty dark house made her vivid imagination run rampit. 

"I'm safe... there's no one here." She tried to tell herself that as she flicked on her bedroom light but froze when she saw her bed. 

It was neatly made.

Nora hadn't made her bed since she moved out from her parents house six months ago. 

Gasping, she looked around the room wildly, trying to see if there was someone hiding in the shadows but it was empty. Nora noticed the window open, the curtains blowing softly in the breeze. So innocent. What a lie.

She ran over to the window and slammed it shut and pushed the lock. Then she ran to her desk and grabbed her miniature hammer and nail kit and nailed the window completely shut. She went to the living room and did the same to those windows as well. 

"You're not getting me if I can help it." Nora told the empty room.

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