Move and She Dies.

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I hvn't updated in a while on this one since no one seems to read it. I love this story a lot.

It's the one i'd write all the time if people didn't like my silly vampire one so much. O.O. lol

That girl to the right is exactly how I see Nora in my mind. I found her devant art.

I love the freckles.


Nora smiled shyly as Colin kissed her cheek and promised to stop in the next day to check on her. She locked the door behind him and then rested her back against it with a huge grin on her face.

He was so sweet, she couldn't believe that something so good was oming out of this horrible situation. When God closes a door, sometimes he opens a window and you find a good looking gentelman waiting there for you.  As Nora's funny grandmother used to say to her when she would run to her crying about a boy who broke her heart.

"You were right Gran." Nora wispered, looking at the photo of her grandma on her coffee table. That women always knew what she was talking about. She was Nora's rock when her parents died and it had killed her when Gran had passed away last year.

She went into her room to change into something more comfurtable to wear. It felt like a stay at home nd that required a certian type of outfit.

Feeling safe and in a mood for a girl's day in she dialed up Jenny and invited her over for the day. Of course Jenny agreed and promised to be right over. Nora knew that her best friend was worried about her but now there was nothing to worry about, the police were watching over everything.

Ten minutes later Jenny knocked on the door and Nora rushed to let her inside. The door was unlocked. When she opened it up to reviel her best friend a grin spread across her face. They hugged and then went over to the couch to get set for the afternoon of movies they were going to watch.

"So Harry Potter or LOTR today?" Nora asked, knowing that those were Jenny's favorite series of all time and she'd have a hell of a time picking between them.

Jenny's eyes lit up then she frowned, "DON't make me chooose!" Her eyes narrowed at Nora's grinning face, "You bitch! You did this on purpose!" She lunged for Nora and started tickling her sides mrciously.
Screeching with laughter, Nora tried her hardest to get out of Jenny's grip, but she was way too ticklish to really be able to move or function.  The tention that had been around for the past couple days was slowly but surely fading and It felt almost like her life was back to normal.

Jenny stopped attacking Nora and pulled her cellphone out of her pocket and flipped it open, "Hey handsome!" She greeted whoever was on the other end, most likely her boyfriend of a year, Jack.
Nora smiled at her friend and streached out on the couch, trying to get comfurtable but something was nagging her but she couldn't put her finger on what it was. 

"Sure you can come over! See you in forty minutes!" Jenny ended her convorsation happpily and closed her phone. She glanced up and Nora waited for her to fill her in on the convosation, "So, Jack is coming over to watch movies with us... that's ok right? I know it is!"

"You're luckly I like you... here you are taking advantage of me in my own house!" Nora teased, grabbing a pillow and swatting the blonde girl next to her lightly. Jenny screamed and lunged at Nora, starting their tickle fight all over again.

"You messed up my lovely hair you bitch!" She accused jokingly, and Nora just stuck her tongue out in reply.

Suddenly what had been nagging her finally came into her mind, "Holy shit! The door was unlocked!" She exclaimed with horror.

Jenny cocked her head sideways, "So?" Her face held a look of confusion and Nora knew that would change as soon as she explained.

Nora sat up and lowered her voice so only Jenny would be able to hear, "Dude, I know I locked it when Colin left!" Fear pulsed through her veins and she looked around the room, trying to see if there was anyone hiding there.

Jenny finally realized what she meant and covered her mouth in shock. NOra put her finger to her lips and motioned for Jenny to head to the front door. They got up from the couch and ran over to the front door. Just as Jenny threw the deadbolt into the unlock posistion Nora felt a hand on her shoulder, along with something sharp poking into her side.

"Don't move Jenny or Nora dies." A deep voice hissed close to her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2011 ⏰

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