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Hey guys sorry for the delay on updating. I've been really busy lately but I hope you enjoy this imagine.If you have and suggestions or what an imagine made for you just let me know. Enjoy!!

You're sitting on the bed knees bent hugged by you're arms tightly rocking back and forth. You and Michael have been dating for about 5 months now you are soon in about 9 months, should be adding to the two of you. You are so scared because lately Michael has been stressed with his new album and the tour coming up. Now you have this news that you're pregnant. You are so scared because you aren't sure at all how he will take it.   You being to cry just at the thought , because you allowed this to happen. The last thing you wanted was to become a burden to him , because you love him very much. You start crying harder and harder, until you heard rumbling at the door downstairs . Michael was home and you didn't want to let him see you this way, so you ran into the bathroom and locked the door.  

"Y/N, I'm home where are you?"  he asked, you start getting even more nervous so you stalled on even answering him. 

"Babe?" he walks upstairs and you're back is pressed against the bathroom wall.He walks passed the bathroom ,to the room. You're phone begins to ring and on the screen you see 'My husband' and a picture of you and Michael. Damn you thought, sudden a light tap came to the door. 

"Babe , I know you're in there come on out." he says in a gentle voice. there was no longer a point of hiding and the fact that your eyes are blood shot red will give you away. you opened the door with your head bowed. 

"Babe whats wrong" he notices instantly. You shook your head nothing and tried to walk pass him unsuccessful.He grabs you by your face with a slight smile and lifts you chin. 

"Now you know I don't believe you so why play with your mind that way." he says trying to lighten the mood. 

"Michael I'm sorry." you break down in his arms. he was confused as ever but that didn't stop him from comforting you.

" What ever it is, what ever you've done ,its all gonna be fine.  Just tell me , we will work it out." he says rocking you from side to side hugging you tight.

 You looked up at him deep in his eyes, "Michael I'm pregnant , and I'm sorry I know you've be stressed lately and busy with you're album and now I'm pregnant and I'm just a burden and-."  he placed his finger on you're lips to stop you from rambling. 

"You're pregnant like with a little mini me." he says 

"Yes , I'm pregnant Michael." you said still feeling defeated. 

"That is the most wonderful news I've heard in months." he says with a tear falling from his eye. Immediately you look at him and he has the biggest smile on his face. He kisses you deeply and though you were confused you were so very happy he wasn't mad at all. 

 "You mean you aren't upset at all?" you question pulling yourself from his hold.

"HELL NO! I want you never to think you are a burden to me. I love you with all my heart and more. And now you're gonna have my baby , I don't know what to think. I'm feel so blessed. But the only way this would be even more perfect, is if you agree to be Mrs.Jackson." he smiles and places a ring on you're finger. 


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