Hug Me!

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TizzToffe201- o_O Well , That was a bit..... Different ..... Um anyway , Britain the mission was successful , also *turns Italy back into chibi* you can go sit with Hungary now! Also , you can turn back into normal when you want so go wild with it. One last thing , Japan - don't go acting all innocent! I dare you to show the countries at least ONE of your hentai's. If you don't , I will continuously hug you until the chapter ends. That's all! Actually , wait! *glomps Romano and kisses his cheek and gets up* NOW that all.

England- Good work.

Italy- Yeahhy!!!!!!! Hungry!!!!!!!!!!

Japan- Uh..>///<.....uh

Japan runs away.

TizzToffe201- Come here Japan!!!!

Japan- Ahhh nooooo!!!!!

TizzToffe201 runs after him but half way sees Romano and tackels him.Romano- Let go off me TizzTizzToffe201- Never!!!!!!

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