Chapter 9:Shopping

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Your POV: 

"Yes, We are official." Bigby says while looking down at you smiling, "Yay! I am dating the Big Bad Wolf. And he's all mine so back the fuck off." You say yelling in the hall so everybody could hear you. 

Bigby picks you up and swings you around and kisses you while still holding you, "Yes, I'm all yours, forever." You smile as he gently puts you back on the ground, "Oh, I need to tell Snow about this." You walk to the Business Office door and open it and poke your head in. "Snow, Me and Bigby are official, so back the fuck off. If not, I swear I will ki--" Hands grab you on your waist from behind and pull you back from the door. "(Y/N) calm down, you know I'm yours, I wanted to be with you from since I met you." Bigby lets go of you and heads back to the door to shut it, "But, I swear she better leave you alone. Or else..." You say while starting to walk back down the hallway, until you hear Bigby yell at you. "Where are you going?" He says on the opposite side of the hallway, near the Business Office. You turn around and see him with a cigarette in his mouth. "Um, we are going shopping, remember? I was supposed to go many days ago but, we always have other stuff to deal with first. So, let's try and get this over and done with Bigby." You say as he starts walking to you, you make it to the elevator as he turns the corner and makes his way next to you. 

You both stood in silence while waiting for elevator, the elevator doors open and you both make your way in. You press the lobby button and the doors close, you move closer to Bigby and grab his hand and interlace his fingers with yours. "I'm sorry if I sounded like I was mad at you in the hallway. I'm  not mad at you, I'm mad that other people keep interrupting my shopping trip for some stupid stuff." He squeezes  your hand slightly and responds "It's okay, I know your not mad at me. I always have to deal with it, they all come to me for help since I'm the sheriff. Some of them aren't even any serious problems, like you said stupid stuff." You nod and the doors open again showing the room you've seen many times, all the same things, everything the same. Except you and Bigby, that was the only thing that was different. You and Bigby were in a relationship, and that was exciting to you, you were so excited to start this new part of your life. 

You and Bigby walk out of the Woodlands together, hand in hand. The cold air hits you automatically and you start shivering, "Okay, let's hurry to the clothing store, I really need some new clothes." Bigby looks down at you and smirks, "Okay, well, if you don't want to be in the cold anymore, then your gonna have to jump on my back." He chuckles at you and you look up at him with a confused look, "What? Get on your back? Are you serious?" You say with a confused pitch in your voice. "Yes, (Y/N) get on my back, you will understand once I get going..." He smiles and lets go of your hand to give you a kiss on the cheek before leaning down to allow you to jump on. "Bigby, are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." You say as you start climbing on his back, trying to get comfortable. 

"(Y/N), you really think your gonna hurt me. I'm the Big Bad Wolf, fuck, a troll could ride my back when I'm in my wolf form." You get all the way on his back and you put your legs around his waist and you hold onto his shoulders for dear life while he stands up, now you were pretty high up as Bigby was around 6"6 -6"8. He was a giant, "Oh my fucking god Bigby, I can see like the whole wor--" Before you could finish talking Bigby takes off in the fastest run he ever could, "Bigby, what are you doing! This is not safe!" You yell at the top of your lungs as he runs to the clothing store, you could see the store, you guys were pretty close. "It's fine (Y/N), I've got you." Bigby says while still running like he's in a marathon, you calmed down a little and noticed how close Bigby's hands were to your butt, you blushed and saw that you guys finally made it to the store. He leans down again, allowing you to slip off his back and onto to the ground. 

"Bigby, we both could have gotten seriously injured from that." You giggle and fix your shirt that you've had on for the last 3 days. "Well, we didn't, did we darling?" He smiles at you, watching you fix your shirt and hair. "I guess not, but that was really scary." You smile up at him while he grabs his wallet, he sees you staring at him and grabs you by the waist and kisses you, while kissing him, you smile which breaks the kiss off, "Ugh, (Y/N) come on, that was one of the best kisses we ever had." Bigby says as he lets go of you. "I know. That's why I smiled. That's what broke it off." You smile and grab his hand once again, you both walk into the store and you see so many clothes that you wanted right away. "Oh wow, this place has beautiful clothes." You look around in awe,a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling, many fairy lights around it. The walls painted a creme color, many different chairs and sofas for waiting customers. "This place is absolutely beautiful. I love it here." you say to Bigby, while walking to the first rack of clothes you see. 

"Oh, wow I love this and this and this and this too." You say while grabbing multiple shirts and pairs of pants. Bigby smiles at you while you look around the clothing store in amazement, you try on many different outfits and shoes. You come out of the dressing room for the 10th time already, "What do you think about this? I like it." you say as Bigby looks at you with wide eyes and his mouth open, "You look beautiful, you looked beautiful in everything you tried on darling." He says as you smile and blush, "Well, thanks." You say as you walk back to the dressing room, you had about 20 articles of clothing. You put your old clothes on and look in the mirror at how dirty that whole outfit was, you were so excited to change out of those clothes. 

You walk out of the dressing room with everything in your hand, struggling to keep them from falling out of your grip. Bigby stands up and looks down at you, "You need some help?" He giggles at you and you hold out the clothes, "Please, if you would." He grabs the clothes and walks them to the counter, you follow him and stand by him at the counter, "Hey, Cindy." Bigby says while placing the clothes on the counter, "Hey, Bigby. Is this your girlfriend?" You smile and say "Yep, I am. Glad to be." He looks down at you and pulls you closer to him. "Oh, well congratulations, What's your name?" You blush as he grabs your butt, "Stop, Bigby. Oh, sorry my name is (Y/N), Who are you, well what Fable are you?" He chuckles, and Cindy just continues scanning the tags, "Oh, um, I'm Cinderella. it's nice to meet you (Y/N). I hope you enjoy being here in Fabletown." Cindy puts all the clothes in a bag and throws away all the security pins from the clothing, "Okay, that would be $113.87." She looks at Bigby getting the money out of his wallet, "Well, thanks Cindy, I think that's what I call you, I really enjoy it here so far." You smile at her and see Bigby lay the money on the counter, he picks up the bag and waits for Cindy to give change back, "Okay, here's $5.06, hope you both have a wonderful evening." She smiles as you and Bigby  walk to the door, "You too!" You say right before you leave the store. 

"Okay, well. I think I did pretty well." You giggle and Bigby smiles at you, "Yeah, you did. Okay, let's get back to my place, I'm exhausted." You smile at Bigby, "Okay, sure you are. I'm sure your really tired. Mr. Grabbing People's Ass in Public." You laugh and grab his hand, "Whatever, I am too exhausted. Running that  fast can have a toll on me (Y/N)."He says in a angry tone, you look down and watch as your feet move in unison, "I'm sorry darling. I didn't mean to be rude." He says as you keep looking at you and Bigby's feet.

"It's okay Bigby, I don't understand why we keep arguing though. We just got into a relationship, before that we didn't hardly argue. Why start now?" you say while looking forward, staring out into the New York Street. "Okay, let's start over then. Act like we just got together." 

"Okay, you start." You say while looking up at him, he looks down at you. "Yes, We are officia--" Before he finish's, someone tackles him to the ground. Bigby let go of your hand in time so you wouldn't get pulled onto the ground as well. "Bigby!" You scream, you try to see who it is. You could see a faint outline of the person's body, you saw half of their face and immediately knew who it was.


A/N: Um, Chapter 9 and over 200 reads!!!! That's amazing!! I love everybody who continues to read my story!! <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!! <3  i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, not too much happened but, I haven't updated in a few days so, I was trying to rush to get this out to you guys. I have school once again. :( Anyways, till the next chapter! <3


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