Chapter 14: Love

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12:07 P.M., Woodlands Business Office, Your POV:
"Throw Her Down The Witching Well." After that sentence Mayor Cole hung up, you smiling after he said that, "(Y/N)? I'm guessing your happy about what Mr. Cole has said, being Miss White's enemy." Bufkin lays the phone down and walks to the other side of the desk, "Well, you could say that. I just don't understand why she won't get over Bigby. She had all the time in the world to be with him before I came along, she never expressed her feelings or anything. I love him more than anything, he's just amazing. I don't want to lose him. I just have a feeling that he's going to leave me for her because he feels bad for choosing me over her.." Tears start forming in your eyes, you look at Bufkin as he walks close to you, "(Y/N, I think that Mr. Wolf is going to stay with you. You have nothing to worry about." As Bufkin says that, Bigby walks in angrily, you turn your head, tears running down your cheeks. "Babe! What's wrong? Oh, please tell me what's wrong (Y/N). Who the fuck hurt you? I will kill the stupid motherfucke-" He runs to you and pulls you into a strong, protective embrace, "Bigby, nobody hurt me. I just need to talk to you about Snow. Can we talk somewhere private please?" He nods and kisses your forehead, he grabs your hand and leads you out to his apartment. He opens the door and allows you to go in first, you sit in his chair and wait for him to come in. He walks in and picks you up, he sits down and sets you down on his lap. "Okay, Bigby, I love you more than anything. Your my world." He smiles and wipes away the tears on your cheeks, "I don't want you to leave me ever. I'm not going to leave you. If you thought this was what it's about, I just feel like your going to leave me for Snow. I feel like you feel bad for choosing me over her, I love you. Please don't leave." Bigby grabs your face and kisses you passionately, he kisses you with all might. "I'm not leaving you for her. I love you so much. More than words can describe. You think I would leave you for her? I would loose the love of my life, and somebody that is very special to me. (Y/N), I love you." He kisses you again, after he breaks it off, you smile.

"I love you too Bigby Wolf." He grabs your hand and allows you to jump off his lap. He stands up, you both still hand in hand, "Stop crying babe. YOU are the one that I chose, and the only one that I love so much. I'm taking you on a date tonight, it was going to be a surprise but, I think you should know now." You pull on his tie and bring him into a kiss. You love him so much. "Oh, I'm excited! I'm already in a happier mood. Oh, Mayor Cole said, to throw her down the witching well." Bigby's eyes got wide, he looked around his apartment in a shocked way. "Bigby? What's the 'Witching Well'?" You ask while shaking Bigby's arm. "Shit." He pulls you along down into the hallway.

12:22 P.M., Witching Well Chamber, Your POV:
"This place isn't creepy at all." You say as you and Bigby walk to a well that was very deep. Bigby's grip on your hand gets stronger as a way to say for you to not be scared as he is with you. You both make it to the well and you stand there looking down it, you could only see pitch blackness. "What is this used for Bigby?" You say as you stand back from the well, "Well, it's a well that we use to dispose of bodies of the dead Fables or for punishment." Bigby says while seeing you change your expression to a shocked look, "Oh, okay then. Seems like a cruel way to die. I'm sure Snow will have fun down there." You chuckle and Bigby looks at you and smirks, "Oh, babe." Bigby turns you around to face him, he looks at you, both of you staring at each other. "Your absolutely gorgeous." Bigby says while pulling you closer to him, you blush and smile,"Thank you babe. I love you, oh your fucking hot. Just saying." He smiles and kisses you, he breaks it off and picks you up. Your legs go around his waist, and he grabs your butt once again. You chuckle and blush, "Bigby, this is not such a romantic place to do it.." You say as he laughs, he sets you on the ground and grabs your hand," I guess not.. but I don't think you will be thinking about romantic when we do it. I think you will be more focused on me." He winks at you, you laugh and start thinking about what Bigby is going to do with Snow, "Well, what are you going to do about Snow?"

"What Mayor Cole said to do, throw her down the Witching Well."

12:47 P.M., Woodlands Basement, Snow's POV:
Both Bigby and (Y/N) walk into the room, "I guess your not all to happy to see me right now, but I'm happy to see you. You have no idea what is going to happen to you next or maybe you have some idea." (Y/N) says while walking around the room, I just look at her, watching her every move. "Babe. Please." Bigby says to (Y/N), wow he even calls her babe. That could be me that would be called babe by him, but no. "Bigby, do you mind telling me what's going on?" I ask, hoping to get some answers. "Did you even ask Mayor Cole about my punishment? " I ask watching Bigby walk over to me, "Yeah, we did. He said to throw you down the witching well. That's what is going on." "We should have a vote for what my punishment should be, is Mr. Cole coming to watch this? Why would he want his Deputy Mayor killed for?!" "He's coming yes. You would have to ask him why he would." (Y/N) says, sitting down on the bed to the side of me. "We could arrange the whole voting thing, but we have to ask Mayor Cole." I nod and imagine my death.
Please don't kill me Bigby.

A/N: Okay, this chapter sucked I know. I'm sorry about that!!! My writers block is pretty bad, but you will be going on a date soon with Bigby!! ❤️ I hope you guys still enjoyed this chapter!! I can't believe how many reads my story has gotten! It's amazing!❤️❤️❤️ thank you all so much! Anyways, till the next chapter! ❤️

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