Only You

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They had fought. Again. She was tired of the screaming, the tears. She lay there in her bed, wet drops of misery streaming down her face. She could remember their argument so clearly. "So what if I kissed another woman! So what if I go clubbing every night! I am sick and tired of you hounding me like this, Sophia! We aren't even officially "together". It's just a mutual relationship, and i'm not committed to you! That means I cant cheat on you! You're fun to keep around, i'll give you that but that does not mean I love you!" Danny had said cruelly. But she would show him that she wasn't worthless! After all, no one would love him if she wasn't around, but that was a lie and she knew it with all her heart. Everyone was friends with Danny, while she was forgotten, contented with her boyfriend. She was the lucky one and she had to remember that. But there was no real effort on her part, as every argument clarified that to her more and more. She really didn't have a choice in the matter, because she couldn't and wouldn't leave because she would not last a day. Danny was the light in Sophia's world and nothing could change that. At the start, Danny was her protector from the bullies, the meanies. With every call of "stupid" or "ugly" to her came a comment just as snide right back at them. With every threat if she didn't hand over money, or with every stolen thing came punches in the face and with every comment specialised for her came a nuclear bomb ready to explode, with Danny red in the face and arms swinging wildly forward. They were best friends until he asked her to be in a mutual relationship with him. At that point she also had a crush on him and so she agreed. That would be the turning point in her life, the best and worst choice she could have possibly made. They were happy for a time, where their relationship was at the sweet and blissful beginning, like every normal relationship. It was all about each other, and nothing else. When they looked into each others eyes, the whole world became a grey blur on comparison to the colours of their love. But those colours were soon to change, because the night of their 5th monthly anniversary, she was scheduled to have a date with Danny, where Danny's original purpose was to ask Sophia to be his girlfriend. She sat their on her couch, waiting for Danny to pick her up, all night. When she was finally tired of waiting she walked all the way to Danny's apartment to find him with a girl who she once thought was her friend, Emily on the couch, full-on kissing. Sadly, Danny didn't notice her, neither did Emily so she left in a miserable state, like she was now, and for months to come after until that last argument, where something in Sophia just snapped! That night, after Danny went crazy on Sophia because he drank too much, she decided that the next day she would either have a happy ending or break-up with him. She fell asleep knowing that she was not yet ready for the effects of the second outcome, but was sure enough been waiting for the first one her entire life. A happy ending is all she wanted, but she had learned that happy endings were for fairy tales. In the morning, she took a shower, dressed up, brushed her teeth and ate breakfast and said goodbye to her little puppy, which was a gift from Danny. She drove the dog, which was named Lily to the pet salon, like she always did when she went out. When she got to Danny's house at around noon, she entered with her spare key and looked inside the living room wearing a tuxedo and holding flowers. Her expression turned into one of disgust, while Danny turned around and instantly transformed into a person filled with regret."I have to say something important", they said in unison. Danny gestured for Sophia to go first. "Danny, back in first grade, only you wanted me as a friend. Danny, only you liked me for me. You and only you protected and defended me. But only you caused me all this pain and grief and only you moulded me into the miserable person I am today. But still I will love you forever and only you!" Sophia said while choking on her tears. "Sophia, i'm dressed up and I have flowers because I wanted to apologise for everything I have done. I've been lying to you, because today is our sixth anniversary and from the year-long anger you've had for me, only half of that time was cheating on you. The rest of the time I was getting as drunk as I could to forget the fact that you would never take me back. I buried myself in self pity but now i'm begging you. Please, only you make me happy and i've been dying without you." Danny said, a painful expression on his face. All was quiet, and Danny's face fell, and dropped the flowers. Tears fell as he had fallen to his knees, and his voice cracked as he said "I understand, you...... you don't want me. I-It's f-f-fine, really" but poor Sophia had only been in shock and raced to hug Danny. Danny melted into the embrace. "Danny, I will always love you and only you" she repeated into his ear. Only you!

Only You: Sophia and DannyWhere stories live. Discover now