Early Mornin' Feelings

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*Here's the next part. Hope y'all like.*



I woke up early the next day. I found myself snuggling next to Raven, my arms rapped around her waist. Her face was facing me. I lifted my hand up and traced her features. Her cheek bones were high but not really bony like some girls. She had long eye lashes and full looking lips. My fingers lingered at her lips. 'I wonder what it would be like to kiss her.' I blushed at that thought and mentally slapped myself. 'What the fuck?! Why did I just think that? I shouldn't have thoughts like that about a friend!! No mater how cute she is!'

I closed my eyes and rolled onto my back with a sigh. I stared at her ceiling that was covered in her poems and drawings. One drawing caught my eye. It was a picture of a little girl crying as a car drove away. My heart ripped. 'It most have been when her dad left.' I look back at Raven and my heart started to race. 'What is it with this girl that makes me feel this way?'

I looked away again and sat up. I looked at her nightstand and turned the alarm on her clock off. We both got to sleep late last night and we both need the sleep. Though I doubted I'd fall asleep anytime soon. So I went to her desk. I looked to see if the computer was on, it was. I moved the mouse to wake up the monitor. I it purred to life and I looked back to see if it had woken Raven up. She continued to sleep peacefully.

I looked back at the screen and turned on the internet. I went my email to see if Cassie was on. Which, of cross, she was. She's the only person I know that gets up at 5 in the morning for school. I clicked on her and the chat screen popped up.

Me:Cassie? You up or did you passout on your laptop again?

Five minutes later I got a replie.

CassieGirl:I'm up now. Thanks for interrupting my nap! :(

Me:You're welcome. Were you having good dreams?

CassieGirl:Maybe.... So why you on? What happened? Your not on here this early unless somethings happened.

Me:..... I got my ass kick yesterday....

CassieGirl:What?!!!!!!! Are you OK?!!!!!!!

Me:I'm fine. I'm just bruised up. You should see the other guy though. Well other guys, to be correct.

CassieGirl:Are you at the hospital?

Me:Nope. I'm at Raven's place. :)

CassieGirl:You are? How'd you get there?

Me:Yep! And Raven's step-sis most likely took me here. I was supposed to take Raven home and then I got jumped.

CassieGirl:You seem strangely happy though.... Who are you and what did you do to Ash?

Me:haha, very funny. I think relieved would be a better word. And how did you know I was happy? You can't even see me and your reading my mind!!!

CassieGirl:I'm cool like that I guess. And why are you relieved?

Me:I told Raven that I'm gay! That's why! :)

CassieGirl:Was she ok with it? I don't need to kick anyones ass?

Me:She was ok with it, a little shocked, but ok! So there's no need to kick anyones ass.

CassieGirl:I'm glad yer happy about that. Soooo.... I take it you had to sleep with her? What's it like sleeping with the love of your life?

I glared at the screen. 'That bitch.'

Me:Why did I even tell you I liked her again?

CassieGirl:Because you love me! :)

Me:More like the opposite.

CassieGirl:Well are you going to tell me what it's like?

Me:It's like nothing. Not any different than when your a kid at a sleep over. You just lay there, feeling what you feel.

CassieGirl:That's not much of an answer. Fine, umm, what's it like loving some one that doesn't know you like them?

Me:Not better than the first question.

CassieGirl:Just answer the damn question!

Me:Fine, fine. I guess it's heartbreaking. Her not even know what she's doing to me. Like the more I see her the more I fall for her until I just break under the pressure of what I feel. It like wanting something that you know you'll never be able to have.... That's love I guess. You love one person but they don't love you and your heart just shatters in to millions of pieces that take forever to put back together. :'(

CassieGirl:That's deep. Real deep. I can feel you pain deep.

Me:Yeah, I guess it is.... I'm not coming to school today I'm skippin'. And Raven too.

CassieGirl:Awww. Why do you have to ditch me?

Me:Cause I look like shit. I have a ton of bruises and a cut under my black eye. That's why.

CassieGirl:Oh. Well that makes since.... Shit! I have to go! My parents want to have a "Family Breakfast". So see ya on Monday!

Me:See ya hippie!


I silently laughed at her. I exited the internet and went to find some computer games. I need up playing solitarie for about an hour before I got bored and exited that and spun around in the chair. I stopped when the world started to spin. I looked on Raven's desk. I found iPod on my keys and wallet.

I turned it on and listened to my new favorite song Sparks Fly. I put on repeat and listened to it over and over until I drifted of to sleep.

*PoV Change!*


I woke up when I heard the sound of music faintly being played. I groanedand rolled over and forced my eyes open. I looked and found Ash in my desk chair listening to her iPod. I smiled when I relized she was asleep. Her mouth opened slightly and I could have swear I heard her snore a little. I sat up and struggled not laugh when I seen drool come out of her mouth. 'She's so cute!'

I got up quietly and walked over to her. I slipped one arm under her knees and one behind he back and lifted her up. 'Damn! What the hell does this girl eat!' She may seem easy to lift but damn it's harder than it seems like it should be! When I made it to my bed I laid her down carefully. I took her iPod away and turned it off and placed it back with her things on my desk.

I started to crawl over her but stopped when I had one leg on either side of her. 'So beautiful... I wish I could just.... Oh what am I thinking?!' I sighed and carefully got off of her. I turned my back to her and stared at the wall. 'Why do I feel like this around Ash? Why do I want to get closer to her?' I closed my eyes tight and willed myself to go back to sleep even though I wasn't tried anymore. 'Today is going to be a long day.'

*So did ya like the chap? I hope you did. Tell me what ya think and vote if you like it!*

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