Skippin' School

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*After having some writers block and taking a sledge hammer to, I give you the next part! :)*



I woke up again in Raven's bed. 'How the hell did I get here? Where's my iPod?' I looked over at Raven. She was fidgeting with the blanket.

"Hey," I said coolly.

She looked over at me and smiled," Hey to you too. You hungry?"

I nodded and got up stretching my sore body out. I looked back at Raven to see if she was getting up, but found her staring at me. A smile touched my face as I blushed a little. She got up with a tomato red blush on her face and walked to the door.

"What do you want for breakfast," she asked as she opened the door and beckoned me to follow her.

"I don't want you making me everything. How's about I make you breakfast," I said as I followed her to the kitchen.She frowned and shook her head no. "Come on, I make a mean eggs and bacon," I offered. She laughed and continued to shake her head. I smiled evilly when I came up with and idea that would let make her breakfast,"Say, your not ticklish are you?"

She eyed me and stepped away from me with narrowed eyes. My smile widened and I stepped closer to her. "Don't you dare!" she hissed at me just as I lunged at her.

She screamed when I got closer and laughed when I managed to to tickle her. I laughed at her laughed both because of the face she made and she snorts when she laughs.

We were laughing so much we didn't hear the sound of Brittnee stomping her way down stairs until she yeld at the top her lungs,"Can't you two fucking shut up! I didn't go to sleep till 3 and I'm fucking tired! So shut the fuck up for at least another fucking hour!!" Raven and me looked at her then at each other. Raven was biting her bottom lip to stop her from laughing but it didn't help much cause she soon started to giggle uncontrollably. When she snorted I joined in, leaving Brittnee glaring at us. She soon turned on her heels and marched back up stairs.

"So, you still wanna make me breakfast," I asked grinning.

"Not if your going to tickle me again," she said to me now eyeing me again.

"I won't if you let me make breakfast."

"Fair enough," she said and I smiled.

*PoV Change!*


Being as Ash insisted she cooked breakfast for me I just sat back and watched her.

"So what are doing today," I asked.

"I was thinking that after breakfast I take to so of the fun places around here, maybe take you to the lake," she said with a shrug.

"Sounds like a plan," I replied as she set a plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast down infornt of me. "How'd you know I liked my eggs scrambled?"

"I guess it cause your sorta scrambled yourself," she said with a teasing grin.

I slapped her and then started to eat. Like last night we ate in silence. After we ate she cleaned the dishes then sat down on the counter and started to swing her legs from side to side. My eyes seemed to have a mind of their own for they ended up slowly going up her legs to the pair of shorts she had on. And when I say short I mean short! I could almost see her underwear short.

Ash cleared her throat, bringing me back to reality and away from my thoughts. I looked away from her and started to chew on my lip. 'Fuck my life! And my fucking no good eyes!' My face was burning with embarrassment.

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