She's far from ugly Baekhyun: A Chanyeol oneshot

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Ever since the two of them met, they were best friends. They text and call every single day, sometimes they skype call too. Ellie was guest writing a song at SM today with Henry at SM. She had excused herself to go use the rest room. She had taken a few wrong turns and she was finally returning to Henry's studio room when she overheard some EXO members talking. "Channie stop leading that ugly ginger on," Baekhyun teased. "What ugly ginger?" Chanyeol asked cluelessly. "He means Ellie ah," D.O explained. Ellie felt some hot tears stinging her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. "She's not ugly," Chanyeol hissed. "She isn't? She's fat and her face is wide. She has a butt chin. For someone who is white she has some small eyes. I know she has a big butt and all but she doesn't even look like a girl. Model or not... Honestly her singing sucks too," Baekhyun explained. "REALLY NOW?!" Ellie mentally screamed. "Mwo, I don't agree. I like her singing and she's very lovely. You don't have any taste Baekkie (sounds like becky, joke about his name)," Chanyeol said thoughtfully. "He's probably just being nice..."  Ellie said, pitying herself. Ellie's thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into Baekhyun accidentally, her hip brushed up against him. "Rude foreigner," Baekhyun muttered. "Go fuck yourself pretty boy, you bumped into me," Ellie said sassy, continuing to walk past him. "Mwo, what's her problem?" Baekhyun hissed. "She probably heard you hyung, you're kind of loud," Kai explained. "Great... Now she probably is going to cry and not want to see me again because you're rude. Thanks jerk," Chanyeol yelled, then running off to go be upset somewhere in private. He would want to talk to Ellie as soon as he calmed down.

Ellie walked in Henry's studio room grumpily. "Hey, you get lost or something?" Henry asked, jokingly. "Yes I did... And I heard something I probably could've gone forever without hearing," Ellie spat. Henry walked up to her worriedly. "What's wrong Ellie?" Henry asked worriedly. That's when Ellie broke down and started crying. Henry guided her over to the piano bench, he sat next to her and rubbed her back as she cried. He wiped away her tears with tissues and tried to get the black smudges off her face. "Baekhyun called me ugly and said all these mean things and told Chanyeol to stop wasting his time talking to me," Ellie stated. "How did Chanyeol respond?" Henry asked. "He disagreed completely and told Baekhyun he had no taste," Ellie said. "Good then I'll only have to beat up one of them," Henry said kindly. "But my temper got the better of me. He bumped into me and called me a rude foreigner so I cursed at him..." Ellie said sadly, then heavily sighing. "What he said was really rude and uncalled for. You're quite a beautiful woman Ellie," Henry said in his princely way, smiling at her and rubbing her back. "I-I guess I'm okay looking," Ellie stammered. Henry got up, offered her a hand up, and hugged her. "You poor delusional girl. You poor beautiful, delusional girl," Henry said comfortingly. 

"Thanks oppa," Ellie said shyly, parting from their hug. "Me, oppa? that's cute," Henry teased. "I'll put you on ice Canada," Ellie spat. "I could put you... on a... rocket ship?" Henry said, failing at being mean. "You're so mean oppa. Rockets are too expensive anyway," Ellie joked. "I'm a gentleman I can't help it," Henry said. "At least you'd wait for me to be far away enough to tell people I was ugly," Ellie joked. "There's a smile," Henry said softly to her. This moment was interrupted by Chanyeol dragging Baekhyun by the collar into their rehearsal room. 

"Ellie ah, this man has something to say," Chanyeol said, like when a parent's kid gets in trouble. "What is it?" Ellie breathed. "Ellie ah, I wanted to apologize for what I said. You're not ugly at all, I didn't mean any of it... Truth is I was jealous of Chanyeol for having an attractive friend, and I didn't," Baekhyun admitted. "Wait... attractive friend? Now she's attractive?! Baekhyun I called dibs," Chanyeol scolded. "I-I don't want her that way Chanyeol she's all yours," Baekhyun said. Chanyeol face palmed. "Ellie ah would you give me another chance?" Baekhyun asked. "I guess so," Ellie said. "All yours man... Henry hyung let's go get some street food or something," Baekhyun said, obviously trying to get them alone. "I AM NOT A GOD DAMN TROPHY!" Ellie exclaimed. "Oooh let's go to that one by the bakery!" Henry said, leaving with Baekhyun.

"E-Ellie ah let me explain..." Chanyeol said awkwardly. Ellie nodded, urging him to continue. "Ellie ah," Chanyeol said, taking a step towards her. "I," he said then taking another step. "Really," he said taking one more step, he was right in front of her and corned her at the wall. "Like you," he finished, then boldly kissing her on the lips. Ellie's eye fluttered open for a second in surprise, but then kissed back immediately with much fervor. Chanyeol didn't expect this response from her and found it really sexy; he moaned in the kiss and felt his pants tighten a bit. The two of them made out passionately and were fighting for dominance. He pushed her up against the wall and got close as humanly possible to her, his hands on the wall supporting him. Chanyeol was slowly starting to win, he rubbed his tongue against hers skillfully and squeezing her butt with his big hands. Ellie moaned at this and couldn't help but grind against Chanyeol, which made him moan too. The two of them had to breathe eventually, so they parted from the kiss, panting slightly.

"I really like you too" Ellie purred. Chanyeol leaned down so he could rest his forehead on hers. His lips were just shy of a kiss. "Will you be my girl then?" Chanyeol asked, against her lips. "Of course," Ellie said. Chanyeol kissed her lips tenderly. Ellie grinned and squealed in joy. "How can you go from sexy to cute so easily?" Chanyeol murmured. "Huh?" Ellie asked. "Gosh you're so beautiful," Chanyeol whispered. "Let's go somewhere where I can see that sexy side of you," Chanyeol whispered into her ear. "We could just stay here, lock it. The recording area is soundproof," Ellie purred. "Mmm we could, but in Henry's studio?" Chanyeol asked. "Do you want me to or not," Ellie hissed. "Y-yes ma'am," Chanyeol said, turned on by the thought of this. Ellie put a do not disturb sign on the door and locked it from the inside. Let's just say no one dared to knock on that door for a while. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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