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"Have you guys ever noticed that all of the adults look unhappy here?" I ask my best friends Magdalene Stevens and Kirra Blackwell. "I heard that they are all unhappy about their chance placements." Maggie says. Maggie is super-duper-überly optimistic, lively, and enthusiastic. She also loves gossip about Perseity. Kirra is less crazy. She is sweet, kind, and very shy except for us who she has known since pre- education. Although I've never heard someone so quiet be so opinionated and have such a big mouth. Sometimes people take advantage of her but in the end she pulls through alright. "I think they hate the system." Kirra says.

We both give her warning looks. No body is supposed to disrespect the system. Especially out in public. She just shrugs. Lately her shyness-o-meter has gone down from 10 to 2. I think that the excitement for our results ceremony has gotten to her too. Our results ceremony determines the destiny group we get into. Your destiny group determines which of the 2 divisions you get into, Minorities or Majorities, and which of the five Fusions you belong in.

There are 2 divisions who rule the five Fusions, who are all ruled by the system of the society, who determines the results for the Destiny Groups. It is a bit overwhelming and confusing at times, but the Society is so organized I can't argue.

All 3 of us registered months ago but we can't figure out what were good at. "Look I know, alright? I just don't know if the System is always right." Kirra says. "I don't care about your debating right now-" Maggie starts. "Shhh!" I whisper sternly.

I point over to a girl in the corner of the courtyard. She is sitting down next to the west wall reading. But it doesn't look like a society book. And it certainly isn't on her Erudition- Booker331. I've never seen anything like it before. I've never seen the girl either. 'That's weird, I thought I knew everyone in Persiety' I think. She is tall-even sitting down- has very long light blonde hair that almost looks white and falls down her back in waves. I can't see her eyes but she must feel our stares because at that moment she whips her head to look up at us and I see her eyes are bright blue.

She instantly stands up, closes her book, and stuffs it up her shirt. 'Weird place to hide a book' I think. She looks so scared she could be about to be buried alive with that look. Although with her suspicious activity she might as well be. I look over at my friends see their confused expressions clear on their faces too. They look over at me and I tilt my head saying 'Let's bust this joint before the crazy book lady decides to chase us.' They nod. We start to backup slowly. "Wait!" She yells with urgency. She runs towards us. We all scream. "Please!" She yells.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2013 ⏰

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