Chapter One

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"Excuse me, sir!" Emi jumped up, holding her basket tightly to her chest. The man passing by ignored her, but she chased after him.

"Excuse me!" she called out, but failed to get the man to pay attention to her. She looked down at her basket, sighing. Assorted breads, all made by her, sat untouched inside it. So many people got business. But she was young, and all she had was her basket as her shop. No one would buy anything from her. People barely even gave her the time of day, but she wanted to keep trying. She had to keep trying.

She looked up as a boy passed by, and she smiled brightly. He would be her next target. She would make at least one sale today. That boy was going to have her bread whether he wanted it or not!

"Excuse me! Would you like to buy some bread?" she asked, running in front of the boy. He wore a blue shirt, and had dark eyes and black hair. Emi recognized him as one of the boys from the academy. Kids from the academy could often be seen running around town doing wild things. Sometimes she would go near their school, just to see what it was like, but she had never really met any of the kids from there.

"No," he said, turning away from her, and walking away. She frowned, chasing after him again.

"Are you sure?" she asked, holding her basket out in front of her.

"I don't want any," he snapped, looking annoyed now.

"But you didn't disagree politely, so I won't go away until you do!" He sighed, then turned away.

"No," he said again, but before she could walk away, she grabbed his arm.

"Please, just try some." He glared at her.

"Why should I get any?" She beamed at him.

"Because it's delicious!" she said happily, proudly showing off her basket.

"And you won't leave me alone unless I buy some?" he asked, the annoyance clear in his tone as if just talking with her for those few minutes was a complete waste of his precious time. She ignored his rude tone and nodded seriously.

"I could easily escape someone like you." She frowned, looking down at her hand, holding tightly to his arm. She knew his words were true. Kids from the academy were strong, very strong, and she knew that in comparison, she was as weak as an insect. But he still hadn't escaped from her. He was still listening, so she had to take this chance.

"Yeah... You're right, but I would like it if you at least tried it."

"I don't have any money with me anyway," he said, yanking his arm away. Emi bit her lip, trying to quickly think of something to keep him there just a moment longer.

"I don't need any money. Just promise you'll come back tomorrow," Emi said. He sighed and snatched a random piece of bread from the basket. He then proceeded to shove it in his mouth.

"That was my tomato bread!"

She smirked at him as he continued to eat it. He seemed to like it! At the very least, he wasn't spitting it out or anything horrible like that. His face barely showed any emotion, so she couldn't understand what he was really feeling. She just hoped he liked it.

"It's my secret recipe!" she exclaimed.

The boy looked down at the girl, debating if he really should come back. It would definitely be a waste of his time. He could get bread anywhere, though the tomato part seemed pretty rare. And he did like tomatoes...

"So you're coming back tomorrow right?" she asked, her brown eyes full of hope.

He paused and only stared at her for a long moment, and she squirmed a little under his gaze.

"No," he said eventually, and it felt like Emi's heart broke.

"What?!" she exclaimed. He started walking away.

"But you ate the bread!" she yelled after him. He ignored her and disappeared into the crowd on the street.

"Whatever! I don't need you! I can always... Find someone else..." She sighed, giving up on the dark haired boy. And to think, he took the bread she worked hardest on, without one word of praise! Not only that, but he just walked away! Whoever he was, he was such a jerk. She felt sorry for whoever was stuck with him at school.

Emi sighed as she trudged back home, looking down at all of her hard work. It had taken her half the day to make all of the bread. And it was all going to waste! And the one she had hoped she could eat herself was the one he took. The nerve of that stupid boy...

"Emi, what's wrong?" her mother asked as she walked inside.

"Nothing... It's nothing important..." She looked up at her mother, and smiled.

"I shouldn't let it bother me! How is Father? Has his fever gone down?" she asked, removing her shoes and placing her basket on the kitchen table.

"Oh, yes, much better. He's asleep right now, but when he wakes up, we can have dinner." Emi nodded as her mother looked into her basket. She smiled brightly suddenly, and looked at her daughter.

"Did someone buy from you?" she asked. Emi sighed.

"No. One boy tried some, then just walked away." Her mother frowned.

"Oh, sweetie, that's horrible," she said, gently pulling her little daughter into a hug. Emi shook her head, forcing the memory out of her mind and plastering a smile on her face.

"It's okay! How is your flower garden? Have they grown yet?" she asked. Now it was her mother's turn to sigh.

"No... It seems flowers don't love me as much as I love them. I was never able to achieve that dream... But I know you'll reach yours!" She smiled down at her daughter, who returned the gesture.

"I'm going to check on Father," Emi said, and her mother nodded, beginning to cook dinner.

Emi walked into her parents room, stopping at the bed her father was laying in. He was sleeping, as he often was. He was always so hard to wake up, but neither Emi or her mother ever wanted to. Being awake seemed to be much more painful for him, and it was painful for his family to watch. So they preferred it when he was asleep because it was easier for everyone.

"Get well soon, Father..." she whispered.

She grasped hold of his hand, which felt clammy and hot. She felt herself begin to frown slightly and forced the expression away. She couldn't frown in front of her father. She had to be happy because her father was in the best moods when he was happy. He always told her that he always felt so much better when she smiled. So maybe if she never frowned, and was always happy around him, he'd get better.

"I love you," she said, smiling. She thought she saw her father smile too.

Her father had always wanted to be a ninja, but he could never do it. He struggled with all the techniques and couldn't pass any of the tests. And eventually, his parents died in an accident, and he was forced to work. When he met Emi's mother, Akane, she was crying over her dead flowers. She had been trying to become a florist, but every flower she tried to grow died before they bloomed. They fell in love despite their failures. Soon, they were married, and Emi was born.

Emi had loved baking since she had learned to cook. All she wanted was to have a regular customer. And all her parents wanted was to make her happy. They wanted to have her dreams come true when theirs couldn't. All they wanted was to be happy... But her mother was afraid it wouldn't happen, and her father worried that he wouldn't live long enough to see it come true.

But she had to try.


Hello!!!! This is a Sasuke x OC fan fiction, but the characters are only twelve, so don't expect some intense romantic scenes and kissing. Hope you like it so far!


Oh, gosh, haha. I originally wrote this story in 2016 and I'm just going through to edit it today in 2018... Yikes. Well, I didn't do much, really. Most of the dialogue is the same, but I just added some more details and thoughts and stuff so the story doesn't seem as... bland? (Only like 400 words) So yeah, I'm hoping to do that with all the chapters and flesh them out!

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