Chapter Nine

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Sasuke was frozen. He was torn between hugging Emi back and shoving her. He was leaning towards shoving her, but he felt bad doing that when her dad had recently died and she was sobbing into his shoulder. But she had just yelled at him...

Ah, choices, choices. Many, many options. Too bad a lot of them led to her being upset with him. So annoying.

In the end, he just decided to stand there and let her cry her eyes out. At least, that's what he'd like to say he did...

Truth be told, he had wrapped her arms around her. It was only briefly, of course, because she had stiffened at his unusually caring touch. This had brought him back to reality, and he pulled away. However, that didn't stop Emi from going red in the face and staring at him.

He had hugged her. He did, not the other way around. She wasn't sure if she should pinch herself to see if she was dreaming or if she should tackle the boy to the ground and demand to know what he had done with the real Sasuke.

She chose the latter.

"It's me, okay? No one else! I can hug you if I feel like it!" he snapped as she sat on his stomach.

"But you don't ever feel like it! Never ever!" she exclaimed.

"Because you're always acting so stupid when I actually do something nice for once!" He glared at her, and she rolled off of him. Sasuke stood up and dusted himself off, glaring at the girl. She just smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. It's just..."

She blushed.

"I'm not used to you being so sweet to me," she said. He clicked his tongue at her. He began to walk away, but she grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry. I'm a horrible friend," she said. He sighed, flicking her in the forehead.

"You're not. You're just extremely stupid," he said.

She hugged him again, making him wonder why he even bothered with her sometimes. No matter what he did, it always ended badly... And then she would just hug him out of the blue. But he couldn't say that he really minded all that much. She nuzzled her face into his chest, and he let his fingers run through her hair, just for a very brief moment. He didn't really think it was that annoying when she hugged him. It was just... strange. Mostly because she was strange. Sasuke never really hugged anyone except for her.

He wondered why he was okay with her because he knew he'd be really annoyed if someone like Sakura tried to hug him out of nowhere.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" she asked, and he rolled his eyes.

He nodded afterwards though, and she grabbed his hand and began to walk out of the house.

"I wonder what I'll do now that Mother and Father are gone. I'll have to sell a lot more bread to make a living! And, it would help if you actually paid with money you know!" He kept quiet, just looking at her as she spoke.

She was doing what she always did again. She was brushing off her real negative feelings with false positivity. He wanted to stop her from doing it, but he didn't know how. He couldn't understand why she always felt like she had to hide her emotions.

Sure, her little outburst earlier was annoying and she had no idea what she was talking about , but at least she was being honest. Honest and annoying, but still honest.

"And you know, I'm always opening up to you, but you never really open up to me," she said.

Open up? There was nothing to open up about. She was just ridiculous with all her of her feelings and emotions. Sasuke didn't feel as much as she did, so there was nothing to talk about it. Besides he was fine just listening to her.

Sasuke frowned.

He was becoming too nice to her. And she was weird too. From yelling, to crying, and then smiling. Something had to be wrong with her... And he had hugged her! Her huggy attitude was rubbing off on him. That was bad. Very bad.

He couldn't become soft. The very thought of it disgusted him. That would be like stooping to Naruto's level. No, even worse. Naruto had never hugged a girl. That'd be like becoming softer than soft!

Sasuke doubted that he'd ever be able to though. Seriously? That loser? Hugging a girl? The only girl who'd ever think about hugging Naruto is that weird Hinata chick, and she'd probably faint on the spot. Yeah, he's a loser. He couldn't even think about reaching Sasuke's level!

Back to the present. Annoying girl on Sasuke's arm. Right. He was now focused. He should've been the whole time really. After all, she had been talking the whole time... But usually she kept blabbering on and he never had to speak, so it should be fine now too, right?


"Sasuke!" She pinched his nose, and he jerked away from her.

"What?" he snapped.

"You weren't paying attention were you?" She glared at him, and he finally payed attention to his surroundings. The first things he noticed were two graves. Emi's expression softened, and she bent down in front of them.

"Mother's been here a little while, but this is the first day Father has been here," she said. She smiled sadly.

"I know you always wanted to meet him, Mother. I'm sorry it had to turn out this way. At least now, you and Father are together."

Sasuke bent down next to her as she continued to speak.

"You know, the doctor never told me how you died, Mother. But he was the one who buried you here because Father was too weak. He said he'll take care of me now. He's your brother in law, right? My uncle? I always forget Uncle's name though. He only started coming over after you died after all..." Emi trailed off.

"I love you. See you tomorrow," she said. She brushed her fingers against both of the gravestones, and then smiled sadly one more time, standing up and dusting herself off.

"You got to meet Mother today, Sasuke. I'm glad. After hearing that I had made a friend she had been so excited about seeing you... I wonder if she watching us right now?"

She looked up at the clouds, her smile was starting to waver, but she forced it to be strong.

"Well, you probably have some important ninja mission, right?" Sasuke nodded. She leaned towards him, tapped his headband slightly.

"That's important, okay? Always remember that. More important than my life even. It means your strong enough to protect a lot of people. Promise me you'll always use that strength for good," she said.

"I promise," he said. He turned around and walked away from her. He would use it for good. His own good. He didn't need to protect anyone but himself.


Wow. Long time no update. Sorry. Super writers block. But I got this comment, and it just made so much sense to me. Then BAM. Suddenly, I have the chapter done. Doesn't mean you have to comment, but if you do, that'd make me happy.


Heyo,  author here, just done editing, and uggggghhhh Sasuke was a jerk in this chapter. I deleted some things and added more things to try and make him seem less mean, but I was seriously surprised at how awful some of his thoughts were. So hopefully he seems not too mean, but mean enough to still be Sasuke. Bye now!

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