Chapter Six

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Hey guys! How do you like the story so far? For those of you who haven't guessed, Sasuke's mission is the one to protect the bridge builder. Hope you've liked the previous chapters! Now on to chapter six...


Emi wandered around town aimlessly for a bit. She didn't know anyone else in town, and her father had told her to stay out of the house for a while. They had just been informed that her father's disease was contagious.

Emi didn't want to get sick. Well, it was more the fact that she didn't want to get her father's illness. She didn't want to die. She had to live and be healthy. If she got sick, she wouldn't be able to smile as often and make her father feel better.

If she got sick, she wouldn't be able to see Sasuke anymore. He couldn't risk being by her side if she had a contagious illness. Honestly, with all the time she had spent with her father already, she was surprised she didn't have the illness yet. Not only that, but Sasuke had been near her father. What if Sasuke got sick and Emi ruined everything for him?

His job as a ninja, his goal to destroy that certain person... He could never do them if he got sick.

And it would be all her fault. And he would hate her for it.

While she was walking, she was so deep in thought that she accidentally bumped into a girl with really beautiful long, blond hair. It wasn't just the girl's hair that was pretty; she had really nice blue eyes and a purple outfit that looked really nice on her.

"Ah, sorry!" Emi exclaimed as the girl turned around. She bowed her head, but when she looked up, she saw the girl was smiling.

"It's no problem," she said. Emi smiled.

"I love your hair! It's so long and pretty!" Emi said.

"Thanks, but your hair is longer than mine," the girl said. Emi blinked at her, a little confused.

"Is it?" She gathered up some of her brown hair in her hands, and blinked, looking between the girl's hair and her own.

Emi never really paid attention to herself. She wore simple clothes and never bothered to fix her hair. Her appearance had never really mattered to her because she was so focused on other things, like her dream, and her father and Sasuke. She always just wore her hair down and never tried to cut it. She didn't realize how long it had been getting.

"I guess it is," she said, and the girl laughed.

"I'm Emi, by the way," she said, holding out her hand.

"Ino," the other girl said, and they shook hands.

"Ino! Come on hurry up! We gotta go train!" a boy with spiky black hair said from behind her. He liked tired and somewhat annoyed. His gaze briefly moved to Emi before focusing back on his blond haired companion. Ino sighed at the boy.

"Coming Shikamaru!"

Ino smiled at Emi.

"Gotta run! See you around!" She waved, then walked away with Shikamaru muttering about the training being such a drag. Emi sighed. Everyone was busy. Everyone had something to do. They had some purpose. But Emi didn't feel like she had that purpose.

Sure, there was her bread to sell, but she had tried that already. The first thing she did after Sasuke left was distract herself by trying to sell her bread. No one even looked her way. She got tired of coming home each day and bringing home her completely untouched basket.

Emi walked back to her house, then followed the small path behind it all the way down. There was a small bag of kunai knives next to a tree with a target drawn on it. The bag of knives belonged to her father; he had kept them to remember his time at the academy. Emi was the one who had drawn the target on the tree though. Sometimes, she'd come to practice throwing them, though she usually seemed to match her father in terms of skill.

She picked up three of the knives, then backed away slightly. She threw the first one, and it didn't even get close to the tree. She threw the second one, and it flew past the tree again. She took a deep breath, and she threw the last one. It hit the target, and she jumped for joy.

"I did it! I did it!" She smiled, turning around, and the smile disappeared when her eyes landed on her mother's grave.

"I did it, Mother. Did you see me? I... I accomplished something, but if you're not here to see it then..."

She sighed and sat down on the floor in front of the grave. She pulled her hair over her shoulder, slowly combing her fingers through it.

"You always said you'd be proud of me no matter what, right? Even if I fail a lot. Even if I'm always alone..."

She looked up at the sky.

"I miss you, Sasuke... I wonder... If you've ever felt this way about me..."

She thought about how he was somewhere far away on a dangerous mission, along with the rest of his team. She was sure that it was hard, but with his team to support him, he would've felt confident. She was sure that he was doing his best and succeeding because he was the Great Sasuke Uchiha who was great at everything. She was sure that he was happy and doing what he wanted to do.

"I want to be happy too... I want to have friends and go on missions and..."

She trailed off, thinking about the dark haired boy.

"You have all of that, so why? Why do you never really smile?" She balled her hands up into fists.

He had so much. So much that she didn't have. How could he not be happy about that? What was stopping him from enjoying what he had? Even if his clan had been killed, he had a new family now. Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi. Wasn't that enough? Why was he so determined to stay angry, to destroy someone? She knew that it was awful that he had lost everyone around him, and she could understand that he was desperate for revenge. But couldn't he just appreciate what he had now, at least a little bit? Couldn't he just smile and say that he was happy with his life once in a while?

She sighed. That just shows how different they were. Emi thought completely differently from him. She could never understand him. He never really seemed to make an effort to understand her. So what was the point in trying?

But isn't understanding each other part of being friends? But maybe... Maybe he didn't want to be friends at all. Maybe her trying was just a burden on him. Maybe... he didn't like her at all...

The dagger in her heart seemed to twist, making her feel even more pain than before. Ever since he had left, it was always there, lingering, but now it seemed sharper, and it made her feel a deep sadness.

Maybe he didn't want to be her friend. Maybe he didn't like her. Maybe she could never understand him.

But she still wanted to see him. With all her heart, she wanted to see him again.

She stood up, her hands shaking.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mother..."

Sasuke Uchiha. A confusing boy she could never hope to understand. So why even try?

"Because I like him, that's why," she muttered, and she sighed. Sometimes she really hated him, but other times... She really liked him a lot.

She was an idiot. She knew she was.


Sorry! This chapter is kinda short. But who cares about the size? Please comment and vote!


I care about the size, past me! Which is why I edited it and shoved in a bunch of emotion for Emi. And wow, this chapter is hella depressing. Like, I know I wrote it, but even I'm shocked about how sad and depressing this I made this back then. Oof.

Well, anyway, I'm on to edit the next chapter!

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