Task Two

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Task Two

I twitched a bit as I stretched out my hand to reach the antique Victorian tea cups master wanted. Suddenly, a pair of arms grabbed the cups and set it down on the table.

I sighed in relief. It was the kitchen doll that did it. "Thank you," I breathed. She just smiled passively at me and returned to her work.

I filled one cup with jasmine tea. It smelled heavenly. I set down the kettle and took a better look at the tea wares. Truly it was very old. The cups had long blue vines decorated on it. Violet said it was one of the family heirlooms.

I carried the tray out of the kitchen and into the garden where master was waiting.

As I walked down the long hallways, I clenched my fists. This was the second time Violet asked me to retrieve teacups. The first set I got slowly disappeared on the garden table.

The warm glow of the sun relaxed me. I quickly ran towards the garden table. It was already filled with sweets Violet prepared and master sat comfortably on the chair. She rested her legs on the arm of the chair with a pad of papers on her laps.

"My lady, Death's here," Violet said knowingly.

"Oh," master answered coolly.

I set down the tray and served tea to her. She was rather absorbed in her sketching on big pieces of paper.

I stared at her closely. Her crimson hair was ponytailed on both sides of her head. It was an appropriate hair dressing for a hot day but her clothing worried me. She was wearing a dressing gown with a big bow and a neckline that reached to her chin.

"Master, are you alright with what you're wearing? I could fetch a better one-"

"No need to worry about me, Death. I am comfortable in these fabrics."  She looked up and smiled at me, her eyes softened too.

"And, Death, master designed this gown for her own preferences. It's perfect for her," Violet added, her eyes still closed as ever.

After several serene minutes, master set down her pencil and looked sharply at Violet. "Violet, are these the second set Death brought back?"

"Yes, my lady. Unfortunately the first vanished into thin air."

"Were there several things missing in the house too?"

"A few, yes."

"I see." Our young master nodded slowly and she then smirked devilishly.  "It seems like we have a naughty fox on the loose, my dear dolls. Violet, you better welcome our unwanted guest and set up fox traps."

"As you wish." Violet bowed down and went around the corner of the huge garden.

I watched her go away. I then peered at master’s paperwork. "Master, your drawings are really wonderful."

"I just make them accessible for women," she breathed, not even looking up at me.

She and I were silent for a while. "Master, what does a fox look like?" I asked curiously.

"Orange, furry, bushy, mangy, quite a sag too."  She added with a shrug.

Violet walked back casually to where we were. "I've done it, my lady."

"Good." She ceased her drawing and eyed me very earnestly. "Death, would you be so kind to catch the fox for me?"

"I will do anything for you, master." I smiled broadly at her.

I ran eagerly to where Violet headed before. I was fueled by master's sincere violet eyes. I made a complete search of the perimeter of the estate. No Mr. Fox. I craned my neck and looked keenly around yet still no Mr. Fox. Until-

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