The Cause

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You looked around and saw as Clint was gathering the last of the civilians into the lifeboats but suddenly stopped when a mother noticed her child was missing, Clint went to go retrieve him from where he was hiding behind a piece of concrete. You heard something striking the ground and up in the sky, Ultron was in a jet firing away its machine gun that was attached. Your eyes widen as you saw that the bullets were coming closer to your best friend and the child.

You felt a gust of wind go by you before you realized it was Pietro who pushed Clint out of way and was ready to take the bullets himself. On impulse you quickly transported behind Pietro, moving him towards Clint, sacrificing yourself instead. You screamed out in agony as the bullets went through your body, your knees hitting the pavement.

Pietro rushing to you before you collapsed, "No, this wasn't supposed to happen! You weren't supposed to save me, (Y/N)!" He slowly laid you down on his lap, caressing your face, moving loose strands of your (H/C) locks, while tears were forming in his eyes.

"I couldn't let you die, Pietro, you have something to live for, your sister couldn't possibly live without you by her side. You still have a future, I didn't." You took short breaths in between words. You felt as if your insides were on fire when your skin was getting colder by the second. A tear fell from your eye as you put a hand on Pietro cheek, knowing this would be your last conversation with him.

Pietro shook his head, "No, (Y/N), you can't go like this, you were my future. I can't live without you."

You smiled softly. "I bet you didn't see this coming," You repeated the words Pietro said when you two first met. "I'm sorry, my love." You whispered before letting out your last breath.

Everything froze when Pietro felt you go limp in his arms. He gave out a scream, so long his throat started to hurt. Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Wanda stopped for a second as she felt her brother suffer; screaming herself when the pain he was going through was too much to bear. A blast of energy emitted from her, destroying all the robots that were surrounding her.

Clint stood in shock as he saw what happen. Nearing Pietro, he walked slowly. His best friend, his younger sister, was lying in the arms of the man she began to love in just the short amount of time they've known each other, and she was dead. His little sister, the one he protected since the day she were born, was dead. His legs gave out, tears were falling down his face, his arms out stretched towards her, and Pietro slowly passed her lifeless body to him.

The moment you were in his arms, he broke. Sobbing into your neck, he started mumbling how this was his entire fault. If he never went for the kid, or if he was quick enough, you wouldn't be like this.

Steve approached his friends and laid a hand on Clint's shoulder. Clint raised his head, noticing how the captain's eyes were glossy. Steve wrapped his arms around your arms and legs, knowing the archer wouldn't be able to carry you to the lifeboat before he collapsed of heartbreak. Steve gently laid you on the seats, while neither Pietro nor Clint left your side.

"Oh моя любовь (my love), why did you do this?" Pietro sighed. His hand resting on your neck. He wept while the boat moved towards the helicarrier, it wasn't until the civilians were departing the boat and were being led by agents, that he felt a very faint pulse.

His head shot up. No, it's impossible, he thought. He turned towards Clint, who was bent over and his face was covered by his hands, and shook his shoulder. Clint faced Pietro, tears were still being shed. He noticed the urgency in his face and sat up straight.

"Uh, I think I found a pulse." Pietro admitted, his accent sounded thicker as he tried to get rid of the lump in his throat.

Clint stopped breathing, unbelieving what the quickster just said. "You found what?"

"It is very faint, but I feel it. She could still be alive!" The white haired avenger shouted. His heartbeat started beating faster than usual. The girl he fell in love with could still be alive!

"Quick, we have to get her to the infirmary!" The archer yelled, getting Steve's attention. Clint quickly explained to the man that his younger sister could still be alive, and soon the two of them started running, while (Y/N) was in Pietro's arms, who reached the infirmary in no time. The trio told the doctors what happened and (Y/N) was rushed into emergency surgery.

And all they could do was hope.

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