Chapter 24 Chillin

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Jerome POV


Mitch:"Its late at night tomorrow. We should start packing. It's only for 3 days though."

Oh...ok. Great! Should we vlog?

Mitch:"Probably. I might."

Alright then. I'm still living out of my suitcase so I'm practically ready. Ima go upload the video.

When I got to the room I couldn't help to think why Niagara Falls? I'm sure it's nice and all but I thought Mitch would wanna go to like.... LA or...something. But I'm not questioning it.

I uploaded it to both of our channels and went back to the living room. I saw Mitch chilling on the couch and went next to him. I had to climb over his legs to get there.

We were just sitting for a while until ads came on. I looked over to him and he was just staring at the tv. I put my hand up his shirt. He turned and smiled.

Mitch:"You likely?!?"

I forgot to respond. I was starting deep into his beautiful eyes.

Mitch:"That's it! Stare into my eyes! Become mesmerized!"


Mitch:"What!?! Nothing! Here I'll make it easer for you."

He took off his shirt.

Mitch:"Aahh.....fells nice! Free!"

Me put his arm around me.
His armpit hair was on me but I tried to ignore it and enjoy this time.

Mitch:"Jerome! Your turn!"

What?!? Naw I'm fine.

I thought I had some muscles but once I saw Mitch I got a little less confident.

Mitch:"What you scared?!  No one else is here and I have seen it tons of times before."

Yea ok fine

I slowly took off my shirt


He messed with my chest and stomach for a bit.

Mitch:"Why were you so scared. They aren that smaller than mine hahaha!"

Haha yea..... I guess you passed me...

Mitch:"Well you were my inspiration!"

Oh.... I blushed.

Mitch:"Look I have some hair coming up my belly! See! I'm a real man!"

At least I have facial hair!

Mitch:"Fair enough..... Hey can they bounce?"

Well yea...
Mitch:"Do it!"
I started bouncing my pecs.
Mitch:"Ooo nice my turn!"

Wow Mitch! You always have to one up me!

Mitch:"Only cause I love you!"

You can stop now.

Mitch:"Nah I like doing this! Bounce!....bounce........ Bounce...........bounce!

I looked back at the TV

Mitch grabbed me from behind and Pulled me to him. Putting his head on my shoulder.

Mitch:"When we come back we can go to the gym ok!"
Mitch:"That's the spirit!"

I got up to go to the bathroom but when I got back Mitch was laying on the couch.

Mitch:"Oh hey Jerome!"

I didn't say anything and say right on his chest.

Mitch:"Ow Jerome! Your so heavy! Jerome!"

Oh hey Mitch! Didn't see you there.

Mitch:"Funny funny now get off."

Off of what?!?

I started to move my butt around.

Mitch:"Jerome! St-"

He stopped talking once I grabbed his junk. I looked down at him.

I laid down on him so my head was next to his junk and his head was next to my junk. I was just starting at it untill I unbuttoned his pants and pulled it down for alittle peak.

Mitch:"Jerome! No!"

Your boring!

Mitch:"I'm boring?!?"

He turned over putting me on the floor. He sat up right and placed his two big dirty feet on my chest.

Ewww Mitch!

Mitch:"You make a good floor mat you know! Go lay by the door!"

Not funny

He was applying so much weight on my I couldn't get up.

Mitch! Why so strong?!!

Mitch:"Cause I can! Aren't these baby's strong?!?"

She started wiggling his toes.

Not as big as mine!

Mitch:"You know what they say about a guy with big feet!"

Haha sure do buddy.

I only let him do that for him do that for his self confidence. We like trading in power.

Mitch:"Ok get up! Wanna swim?"

Ok! But no Ryan!


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