Chapter 44 Cell Phone

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*Note: Im gunna start writing the name of the person talking even if it's from there POV. It's easier to write and probably to read. Thank for all your support <3
Jerome POV

After we dried off Conner went to put on normal clothes but me and Mitch stayed shirtless in our swimming shorts on the couch. The girls were still outside. Mitch put his arm around my shoulder.

Mitch:"You like what I did in the pool!"
He pretended to reach for my crotch.

Jerome:"Uhg. Mitch!"

Mitch:"Well you obviously did. I felt that boner."

Jerome:"Your brother and sisters were watching."

Mitch:"They didn't see and u doubt they would car."

Jerome:"I just didn't want your sisters to record it."

Mitch:"Well there not her now are they-"

Conner:"Hey guys! You didn't change?"

Mitch:"Naw were fine."

Conner:"Alight then. Here, take the controllers."


During the time of us playing Mitch was all over me. Laying on me. Hugging me. And normally I would love it but Conner was giving me a bad look most of the time.

It came to the point Mitch was playing with my body more than the game.

Conner:"Mitch are you even trying?"

Mitch:"What? Yea, of course I am."

Conner:"Uh...You guys wanna play something else."

Marley:"Mitch! Teach me how to play Minecraft!"

Mitch;"Oh. ok."

They left and I was sitting with Conner. I don't think he's happy with me.

Conner:"Hey Jerome. Can I ask you a question."

Jerome:"Sure what you got?" But on the inside I was kinda scared. This kid is really intimidating all of a sudden.


Damn. Why am I so nervous.

Conner:"Can you sign this? It's um. For my friend back home. He's a big fan.."

Oh thank god

Jerome:"Oh yea sure!"

He held out a stuffed toy of a Bacc they sell at stores now. It still had the tags and stuff on it so I signed that part.

Conner:"Great! Thanks. Now I need Mitches."

I don't know what I expected but thank god that was all.

He went off to the other room.
Now I have some time to my self.

After a while I heard Mitches phone ring. He left it in the table when he went to recored with his sister. I respect his privacy so I didn't wanna look but I peaked over a bit and saw it was Jessica calling. I know he's in the middle of recording so I won't disturb him.

Time passed and she called like 5 more times. I tried to ignore it but I felt I should answer. I picked up and before I could say "Hello" or "Its Jerome" she started talking.

Jess:"Finally you answer Mitch! Look. I'm having some issues but-"

Jerome:"Wait Jess. It's Jerome! Mitch is recording."

Jess:"Oh! Hi Jerome! Umm.. Yea..well. Just tell Mitch to call me when he can.."

Jerome:"Alright. See yea."

We hung up.

I probably should of let her talk abit before I interrupted but oh well. The recording session was going on for over 2 hours until Mitch came out.

Jerome:"That was long."

Mitch:"Yea. Conner wanted a video too."

Jerome:"Oh well Jess called."

Mitch:"What! When?!"

Jerome:"Like a hour ago."


Jerome:"I told her you were recording. Chill."

Mitch:"You guys talked?!? What did you guys say?"

Jerome:"Nothing at all really."

Mitch:"Oh ok." He picked up his phone and called Jess. As he was talking we walked to the other room."

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