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 This story is not true, this is my second story so please don't judge and no laquisha I'm not going to mention the last name



I was walking across the field, walking to my normal lunch spot. I sat down and started to eat when Aaron came over and pulled me off the ground and stole my lunch. I started to chase him but as i was running i tripped and was waiting to hit the ground but i didn't, well kind of. I landed on Daniel the guy i have a crush on. I was so embarrassed. I didn't know what to do, I got up and he patted the ground next to him so i went and sat down. We started talking about what happened and as soon as i mentioned Aaron Daniel had got up and stared chasing him. It was quite funny really. Aaron still had my food and was eating it while he was running. I stood up and my friend Abbey tackled me to the ground, i am so angry at the ground right now i've hit it to much today. We sat up and she started bombarding me with questions the only one i really heard was "did he ask you out!!!!???" i just stood up and walked to my bag. Abbey followed me but i knew she would. I sat down all nicely because i was in a skirt and started putting my lunch box back in my bag. Abbey just kept asking the same question over and over again and i got so annoyed and shouted "NO, HE DIDN'T" really loudly embarrassing myself in front of all these people including Daniel who was now sitting on the ground with his bag. I got up and ran off, i was so embarrassed.

Minutes later my friend Michelle was running beside me asking me what happened and all this shit. "nothing just gotta go OK!!" I said and she stopped. I felt like a bitch why did i have to do that she was trying to make me feel better. The bell rang an it was time for science so i just continued running to class. I was waiting in the corridor and saw Michelle, I immediately ran to her and told i was sorry and gave her a big hug, i felt so bad.  The teacher walked out and started shouting at us telling us to line up but we're teens we're not gonna listen so she gave up and let us in. There was something on the board and as i am i started writing it down, Tamati, Tayne, Arie, Luke and Deon were all sitting in a circle and were talking and annoying miss. They started shouting and Tammy started laughing really loud which made the rest of the class laugh which obviously pissed off the teacher and she went off her nut. We were all quite then she mentioned experiment and we all started cheering and yelling asking what the experiment is and what we need, everyone was getting off their seats. I was going to the table that i was doing my experiment on and Daniel walked in with some notices one was for me. He gave me my notice and touched my hand which made my tummy feel weird. I started my experiment and Arie nudged me and made me drop the testing tube which smashed and even worse the test tube had acid in it. I screamed to the teacher who came rushing over, "Arie nudged me miss." i walked over to Arie and punched his arm and kicked him in the nuts and he feel to the ground. Miss pushed me to the desk and took Arie outside and then the bell rang.

I ran out of the class and went to English. I really liked my English class because the class next door was the one that Daniel was in but i was sad today because Daniel was on office duty,which by the way is absolutely boring all you do is sit in the office and hand out notices. We were watching Jurassic Park for our film study and Ashleigh, Georgia, Teagen and Jamie were all sat on the floor. they made the film more exciting because when scary bits came on they would scream. and there was this one part where they put a goat out to bring the tyrannosaurus Rex out and everyone was like aw even the guys which made the teacher laugh. So yeah we just watched movies in that class till the bell rang. it was lunch and I decided to hang out with my other friends because i didn't want to be teased by all those people that heard me yell that stupid thing out. Well at least its Friday no school tomorrow and we have socials last anyways which is a real cool class.

i sat with my other mates who were all hanging around this girl named Jess then she came and sat by me which brought every one by me. Nikoli picked me up and sat in my spot and plonked me on his lap, Nikoli is like really tall but cute as well mind you i am really short.he started to talk to me and tickle my stomach so i just got up and walked to Abbey who was walking towards me with and angry face. "What did i do Abstract" i said with a big grin. "you left me lonerd over there with Daniel who was talking about you" oh my god Daniel was talking about me i feel so special. "He was asking where you were because he wants to ask you something and i really wanna know what it is."Abbey said really fast. I walked over to Daniel who had a sort of angry yet happy face. " i was looking forward to you coming over here all scared and i was gonna give you a great big hug and whisper in your ear 'do you wanna go out with me' but no you didn't come over here like that.." i cut him off with a hug and said "well re you going to ask me or what" he just pulled me in closer and said "i don't need to i already know the answer.                                            "and whats that." i say                                       "its a yes obviously." he said all jokingly. We just stood on the Field hugging for like ten minutes when Abbey pulled me away and started pushing me to the steps. i was struggling to stay with Daniel but she was to strong and i gave up i took my phone out of my pocket and waved it at Daniel he got the idea straight away 2 seconds after he text me this is what it read               one new message        Daniel <3> I started laughing and text back hey shes like asking me if i said yes and i told her he just asked me if i wanted a hug and shes like what ever its so funny you should she her face!!!!!:) we text each other for like ages it  was really funny some of the texts i got from him like i can see you butt and it looks squishy, or hey sexy mama come to me. They made me laugh so hard.

It was time for Social studies and i was so excited i stood at the steps and waited for Daniel while Abbey walked off. We walked together to my class and he gave me a hug but i wasn't expecting a kiss, i went to pull away and he kissed my check there goes the weird felling in my tummy again anyway Abbey snapped, "I knew it, i told you he asked you out you lying bitch" "whoa Abbey calm down" i said kind of surprised that she would go off like that but i could see everyone laughing. We went in class and Jaydens like "who would have thought that Rebekah would have a boyfriend." i just got up and slapped him in the face which made me feel better. Michelle cheered when she saw the teacher bringing in the Laptops. i wonder what we were doing. "Today guys we are going to finish our power points if you've finished can you put it on the usb and you can have a free period." in my head i was like yes i finished so i put my hand up and grabbed the usb put my power point on it and started playing run, I really suck at that game. It was five minutes to the bell so i turned the laptop off and grabbed my bag getting ready for the bell to go as soon as it went i was out the door.



OK guys that's the end of chapter one hope you like it don't forget to vote/comment thanks.

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