1. Where it started

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Authors note*
mature audiences,
language ⚠️

We were on a road trip. Cadeyrn- everyone's gay best friend who dyed his hair so much no one knew his natural hair colour, Frankie- she was always paranoid and anxious but absolutely gorgeous,  Harriet- the cutest little blonde ball of sunshine you'll ever meet -she's a stunner, Ella- feisty diva who is absolutely perfect in every way, Jude- a tall lanky guy- no one remembers his natural hair colour (it was peach at the time) Ana- the spicy Mexican girl who was a ballerina, Noah- Ella's boyfriend- he was sporty and tall and pretty much perfect for her, Oscar- our friend in the year above- he spoke Spanish with Ana and I, and finally- the twins. Tom (Thomas) and James- we'd been catching the train with them for years, they were also a year above us.

Okay so that's the bunch.
Cade, Frankie, Harriet, Ella, Jude, Ana, Noah, Oscar, Tom, James and myself.
We took turns in driving as we had a long way to go, we were driving to Melbourne. We had been planning this trip since year 7 and the day had finally come. We were in year 11, Oscar, Tom and James were in their senior year. It was the last year we could all be together, so we decided to get out of Perth. Oscar drove first.
Oscar was tall- very tall- and he had short, dark hair. To go with that he had dark eyes and long eyelashes. He was a social butterfly. "I hope you guys are ready for Melbourne, it's a long way away" he yelled over the radio to the back of the kombi. "Just keep your eyes on the road Oscar, the last thing we need is getting in a car crash before being halfway there", Jude yelled back, laughing.

Jude was also tall, and lanky. His hair was a light peach colour, he gave up dying it. I remember the first time he dyed it, we were in year 7 and he did it for the world's greatest shave. It was pink.
"Jude can you see if you can reach my lippy from my bag", Ella said to Jude from the backseat, yelling to him as he was in the very back of the kombi. Ella was perfect. She was mixed. Her hair was very dark, but not black. She had these big round eyes and she could stare into your soul. Her figure was what every girl dreamed for, curvy and slim. "Ella it's been 5 minutes since you used that lip balm, ease up", James mocked from the back, next to Jude. "Yeah, you don't want to over lip your lips" added Tom. James was slightly taller than Tom, he was definitely lankier also. He still had his braces that he got in the 7th grade from jumping too high on the trampoline and banging his tooth on his older sister's head. He thought he was gonna get them off in year 9. Tom had a baby face and looked younger than he was. He had these cute chubby cheeks and we always teased him for it. He and James looked nothing alike for twins. "Guys leave Ella alone, you know how much she loves her beauty... things", Harriet added from the front seat, sympathetic of Ella. She was the cutest girl. She had extremely long blonde hair that she usually wore out or in a ponytail. Her eyes were pure blue. She got her braces off in year 10 and James was super jealous. Harriet was the queen of hippies. Her music taste was the best i'd ever known.

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