Prussia x Reader (Hiccup) Facebattles

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*side note*

*is sipping cocoa cappucino with Larry on lap*

*spits out cappucino with wide eyes* OMA I SHOULD TOTALLY WRITE THAT

and that's the story of how this oneshot came into exsistance.


It was pretty calm at (c/n) and Prussia's place, with the (h/c) haired girl reading a book on the couch and the albino sprawled out beside her.

"(y/n), don't you zink the vord 'kissing' is girly?"

(y/n) looked up from her book.

What the heck sparked this conversation?

"Uh, I guess? Why?"

Gilbert shrugged. "It's totally unawesome sounding. It vounds my awesome pride so say that I 'kissed' you. I zink saying 'Face Battling' is much more awesome."

(y/n) rolled her eyes and put her book down.

"Really? 'Face Battling'?"

Gilbert looked up at her. "Ja. Zink about it. A group of prissy girls after von of zem had a date, saying;

'Did you face battle?!'

Und the von who vent out says;

'Ja! He's such a good face battler!' "

He cracked up at his own joke, and (y/n) giggled.

"It sounds so much more awesome!"

"Yeah, it does!" (y/n) agreed.

"Oh! I have one!" She laughed and began to mimick a man's voice.

" 'Dude, me and this girl totally face battled last night! It was great!' "

"Jou may now face battle ze bride!"

"Mommy can I have a face battle on the cheek to scare the monsters away?!"

"Face battle me in ze rain, just like in ze movies!"

"You don't like me, face battle my butt!"

Gilbert cackled at that one, his signature laugh of 'Kesesesesese!' echoing off the walls.

"Good one (y/n)!"

"Why thank you Gil!"

His smile was replaced with a perverted smirk.

"Hey, I don't like jou (y/n), so should I face battle jour butt?"

(y/n)'s cheeks flushed pink, and she whacked him with her book. "Perv! Whaddya mean you don't like me?! You're my boyfriend!"

He laughed and grinned. "I don't like jou, I love jou! But if I can't face battle jour butt, can I face battle jour lips?"

(y/n) crossed her arms and huffed. "I dunno if I should let you."

Gilbert pouted and gave her puppy-dog-eyes.

The sight of those red-violet eyes big and pleading are impossible to say no to.




*side note*

Some of you might be saying 'Omg I's seen that she stole it from iFunny/tumblr/the internet/ur mom/whatever'

Yeah I saw it on the internet but seriously who CAN'T see Gil saying that

I mean c'mon

It's freaking Gilbert

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