Chapter 3

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Brad POV

As I pour the pancake mix on to the pan I here footsteps enter the walking towards the kitchen, I turn my head to see Liv walking in, her brown hair is damp from her shower, once again she wears nothing but her underwear and t-shirt... well another one of my t-shirts.

"Seriously how many of my shirts have you stolen", I ask turning back to my pan.

"I didn't steal them you left them" she jumps up on the counter next to me, "you're the one who keeps walking out of here without a top".

"Yeah I gotta stop doing that or I'll have no clothes left".

"Hey" I hear James voice and turn my head to see him and Lily walking in.

"Hey", Silver and I say in unison.

"Oooo pancakes, can we have some" Lily asks sweetly.

"Yeah I'm making enough for everyone, I'm sure Con and Tris will want some as well, along with any other girl they brought back with them last night", I reply taking pancake from the pan and placing it on a plate before pouring more of the mix in, "can someone go call them".

"I'll go", James offers making his way to the door.

"I'll come with you" Lily says jumping on James' back making him stumble a little before he regains himself and walked them out the front door to go across the hall to our apartment.

I look over at Silver who is still sat on the counter top swinger her bare legs back and forth, looking around the room a little bored.

"So" I begin getting her attention, "what you wanna do today".

She doesn't say anything but shrug her shoulders.

"You're so helpful" I say sarcastically making her roll her eyes.

"I was going to have a lazy day, you're the one who wanted to hang. You pick"

"Lazy day sounds good to me" I reply turning my attention back to the pancakes.

"Cool" she says as we hear the rest of the gang enter.

After breakfast everyone left the apartment to do their own thing, while Liv and me had our lazy day as planned which consisted of takeaway, wine and a bunch of random movies. All in all it was a pretty chilled day; most days with Liv usually are.


2 weeks later

Olivia POV

"You're coming tonight right?" Brad asks putting his jeans back on as I lie on the bed.

"I don't know" I reply sitting myself up.

"What, come on" he pleads, "I though you were coming, you haven't been out with us in ages, and Emily's dying to meet you, she keeps bugging me"

"Why does she want to meet me?" I ask almost laughing

"Because you're the only one she hasn't met yet and she knows we're good friends" he explains sitting on the bed now fully clothed facing me.

"That's all she knows?" I ask rising a eyebrow

He chuckles, "she doesn't know we're having sex if that's what you're asking"

"Obviously" I roll my eyes, "I meant how much does she know about me, as much as I know about her?" Brad along with the rest of the gang are the only few people that know about my self destructive past, you could say I had a bit of a substance abuse problem until about a year ago, around about the time the boys moved in to the building. I didn't like the idea of Brad telling his girlfriend things about me that I'd rather keep to myself.

"Liv" he starts, "I wouldn't tell her anything that you wouldn't want me to say" Brad reassures me, knowing full well what I was referring to.

"Thanks" I simply say not wanting to continue that conversation.

"So will you come", he asks grinning at me, "for me".

I roll my eyes once again, "fine" I sigh.

"Cool" he gives me a quick peck on the lips and heads to the door, "I'll see you there" he yell once he's out in the hallway.


Olivia POV

Lily drags me along at the end of the chain, as James guides us from the front through the sweaty bodies in the club to find the booth that our friends sit in as they've already arrived at the club before us.

"There" James yells back at us pointing ahead. I look up and notice Tristan's blonde head poking up out of one of the booths. We continue to push past the people until we reach the booth I stand awkwardly behind James and Lily as they greet the table. I see Brad at the edge as he stands up and a gir,l I presume is Emily since I don't recognize her, slides out after him to give Lily an awkward hug while Brad makes his way to me.

He gives me his signature bear hugs, "you came" he say grinning at me as he pulls away.

"Yeah I'm regretting it already, it's too crowded tonight" I say as I dodge another person walking past me.

"Stop being a grandma" Brad teases pushing my shoulder slightly.

I scrunch my face trying to look offended at his comment which only make him chuckle.

"Hello" a screechy voice interrupts us. I look behind Brad as his girlfriend comes up to us wrapping her skinny arm around his waist and her perfectly curved figure which is outlines by her tight bodycon dress presses to his side, "I'm Emily, you must be Olivia, Brad's told me so much about you".

"Likewise" I say smiling at her then Brad then back at her, "it's nice to finally meet you".

"You too" she speaks in her high pitched voice which I know is going to get irritating soon enough, "I was starting to think Brady here was hide you from me for some reason"

"Now why would you do that Brady?" I tease tilting my head at him.

"I wasn't, you were just being a grandma who would never come out with us" he shoots back.

I roll my eyes playfully making him chuckle, as Emily stands there awkwardly.

"Come on let's sit down" he say as he guides Emily back to her seat them slides in next to her. I slide in on the opposite side where Lily and James have already seated themselves.

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