Chapter 7

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2 months later.

Olivia POV

I haven't really seen Brad around lately or spoken to him at all, partly because the boys have been in and out of the country, but somehow I still manage to see the others and hang out, just not him. He's with Emily most of the time since they're doing it now; I guess he doesn't need me anymore. Our agreement is now void, which is fine since it's what I expected to happen once he started getting it from Emily but I didn't expect us to stop hanging out he was still my friend. I don't know maybe I'm being too clingy but I'm mad at him.

I walk in to my apartment and instantly hear the muffled voices of the 'gang'. Closing the door behind me, I walk into the lounge to see everyone sprawled across the room, and by everyone I mean everyone, including Brad.

"Heyyy" he grins as he notices me followed by everyone else's greeting.

I decide to ignore the fact Brad hasn't spoken to me in over a month; in fact I decide to dismiss he reappearance completely and greet the rest of the room with a "hey guys".

"Good you're back, we're going Nandos for dinner then bowling, you coming?" James asks standing up followed by the rest.

"Oh no, I'm not hungry, you guys go" I say.

"Oh come on" Tris whines, "we haven't all hung out together I ages, the 6 of us, incase you haven't notice Brad is here for once"

"Err I'm really not hunger" I say again.

"Oliviaaaa" Tris moans.

"Tristaaaannn" I mimic chuckling at his childishness, "I'll come join you guy later for bowling if I'm bothered" I compromise.

"Fine" he gives up.

"I'll see you guys later" I say to the room before heading to my bedroom.

I throw my bag and my phone on my bed, as I head towards my ensuit I hear the front door closing letting me know everyone's left.


Brad POV

Why is she ignoring me? I've been really looking forward to seeing Liv today, but she just didn't seem to care.

"Come on" James ushers us to the front door.

"Errrr" I stop everyone, "I think I'm gonna stay and keep Liv company".

"Oh not you too" Tris sighs.

"Let me know when you're done eating and I'll come to the bowling place," I tell them.

"Fine, drag Liv with you then" Tris leaving through the front door.

"Alright I'll try," I say before they all left.

I make my way to Liv's bedroom door and knock lightly, I wouldn't usually knock but this situation seems different. When I get no response I decide to slowly open to door but the room is empty, I go further inside and hear shuffling in the bathroom and realize she's in there. I sit myself on her bed and wait for her to finish doing whatever she's doing.

A few minutes later the door opens and Liv enters the room.

"Oh my god" she jumps back as she notices me, "You scared me. What are you doing here, I though you all left"

"Everyone else left, I thought I'd keep you company" I smile at her

"You don't need to, I'm fine by myself", she says looking at me blankly.

"Okay, what's up? Why are you being weird?" I ask standing up.

"I'm not being weird, I just wanna be by myself" I hear the slight annoyance is her voice.

"You are. You're pissed at me, I can tell. What have I done?" I take a step closer.

"I'm not I-just go Bradley, I'm tired I wanna be alone"

"No, tell me what I've done. I came here wanting to hang out, I haven't seen you in forever" I say sternly.

"Well that's your fault isn't it" her voice rises slightly.

"What are you talking about" I ask confused.

"The reason we haven't hung out in nearly 2 months"

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy with the band and Emily-" I say apologetically.

"Of course Emily" she throws her hand in the air.

"Well yeah. She's my girlfriend I want to spend time with her"

"Yeah course, now that she's fucking you, right?" she say harshly, "you don't need me".

"No! I mean yea-I mean we agreed the 'sex' thing you be temporary" I explain.

She looks at me with a dumbfounder expression, "you think this is about the sex?"

"Well isn't it?"

She stares are me for a second before speaking, "I though we were more than just 'fuck buddies' Brad. I though we were actual friends"

"We are. Why do you think I'm here right now? I wanna hang out with my 'friend'"

"What, a friend that you only speak to every 2 months? I didn't even get a reply to any my texts"

"Look I'm sorry, I was just busy-" I start

"With Emily I know" she rolls her eyes.

"What is this thing against me spending time with my own girlfriends", I say annoyed.

"There's nothing wrong with that Brad. I'm happy your getting along with you girlfriend, I just didn't realize it would mean you cutting off your friends"

"I haven't cut my friends off Liv. You're being ridiculous. This is so stupid"

"Don't call me stupid"

"You are being stupid, this argument is so stupid. Ok we haven't spoke in a while, I said I'm sorry, get over it" I speak harshly.

"You know what Brad" she takes a step closer.

"What?" I interrupt to piss her off further

"I am over it. This" she points between me and herself, "'friendship', it's over, I don't need friends that are never around" she strides over a opens her room door, "so just leave Bradley, go back to your little girlfriend" she mocks

"Fine" I say angrily and take the exit not looking back, I hear her bedroom door slam shut and I leave through the front door closing it just as hard.


I decided to go find the others in Nandos after mine and Silvers argument, which I told them all about it when I got there

"So what, you guys aren't friends anymore?" Con asks from across the table.

"I guess" I reply still pissed.

"That's so dumb, of course your still friends, you're Brad and Liv" Tris exclaims.

"Yeah, it was a little argument, go apologies and you'll be fine" James adds

"No I already apologized enough back there, she's the one who said she doesn't need me as a friend" I say annoyed

"Brad I think it was more of a defense thing for her" Lily speaks softly, "like leaving you before you leave her I guess"

"Well that's ridiculous" I reply.

"That's Liv" she chuckles.

"I don't know I think we both just need some space"


Olivia POV

I may have been angrier with Brad than I realized. But since he's ok with not being friends anymore, I guess I am too.

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