The Start Of The End

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Grand-mère is the only person I know that knows what really happend before everyone left. Every-time my little sister, Chloe, asks her to tell stories she always tells the same one. It goes like this: When she was a little girl, her mother and father died to the sickness that plagued almost everyone. A few years later the world leaders got together and built a rocket that would take all of the important people to safety. Then if you had enough money you could afford one to take your family in. However Grand-Mère's parents were not as fortunate. Soon riots began to break out and the only way the leaders could control it was with pleasing them. Some families got to ride away from this planet for free. They traveled to a planet that she can't remember the name of. The rockets were landed and used as homes. Grand-Mère was sent to live with her uncle when her parents died. Her uncle left her to go away for a small visit to the store. Except, he didn't come back, he left for the new planet. By then she was 16. Then she found a man, her future husband rummaging around in a old shop. They got married and one kid, my mother. Then my father was found when Mother was 18. They got hitched and had their first kid a year later. That's how my older brother, Giles came into the picture. Then I was born naming me after Grand-Mère's mother ; Samantha. But I don't like to be called Samantha. I like to be called Sam. Then my younger brother was born: Alexander. That's all Grand-Mère tells us. Every time Chloe asks.

     Ok here is a bit more detailed story about my personal life. I live in a decent sized home in what used to be France. From my bedroom window I can see the large statue that looks like someone through pieces of metal together to make. Grand-Mère calls it the Eiffel Tower. Whatever that is supposed to mean. Giles was six when I was born. When I was three I was taught how to help Mother with washing the dishes. Grand-Mère said there used to be machines for that. Then when I was five Alexander was born. He and Giles share a room. Like me and Chloe do. Grand-Mère is the only one with a room by herself. Well after Alexander was born Daddy taught me how to scavenge. Mother calls it stealing but he says we need the materials. During the start of the year in spring, I must find cloth, food, wood and any other supplies I think we will need. In the summer I find containers to put water in, canned food, cloth, wood and metal. In fall I try and find cloth, canned food, wood, paper, books, and any other supplies I think we will need for winter. Winter is rough. When it gets cold it is hard to find things so I must stock up during the warmer months. On Mondays and Tuesday's Grand-Mère teaches me how to read and write. If I ever have free time I like to go to the metal tower and climb it. Mother is afraid I will fall. I won't. Chloe is very sweet. She is only five but she loves to do chores. Alexander likes to find paper and draw. Giles likes to read. And I like to scavenge. Nothing much to do now that the "world has ended".
    You are probably wondering what the sickness was. Well Giles told me after asking Mother and Daddy. It all started when a wealthy company decided to invent a pill that would help breath the toxic, smoggy air. The pill was given out for free in some countries. Well, the pill worked, but the company needed more money. So they invented a spray that could "cleanse the air". It made the air worse and many died. Then  the government sent people away to the planet. Mother says we are blessed to be born with lungs that can naturally filter the gas. Sometimes Grand-Mère calls it  "The End".  Chloe believes that we survived for a reason, but I think it is a punishment.


     How would you feel if this happened! Would you stay on Earth or leave the planet? Thanks for reading😉 Things will start to get tense next chapter


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