Me, Myself, I

22 4 0

    I breath deeply out as I close the porch gate. I feel the slightly heavy bag pressing against my back. I decide that in a few hours I will stop to eat some bread, maybe at the connivence store my dad turned into a rest stop. But that is a while away. I walk over the paved road hill. The fog is just starting to burn away as the sun rises. After twenty minutes of walking I decide to take a short break. I walk up to an old oak tree that I assume was here before everyone left. I try to imagine children laughing as they play among it's sturdy limbs. But I can't. I have never seen another child before except the ones in books and my siblings. I ponder at the thought of other people. If there were other people, than Giles wouldn't have to play with Chloe. Alexander could go to an art class after he got out of school. Giles could go to collage, he wouldn't have to only learn what Grand-Mère and our parents knew. And me. What would I do? Would I be popular? Would I have lots of friends who would braid my hair and gossip about boys? But for now my entertainment would have to be climbing the metal tower and looting houses. I get up from my break spot ready to return to the hike. I sling the backpack over my shoulder and walk away from the tree.

      It was almost nightfall. I needed to stop and find somewhere to sleep. I had not passed the rest-stop yet and it was almost a mile and a half away. I looked around and found a tall building, I figure was a hotel. I walked in and noticed the glass on the floor. I look up to find a chandelier that would have filled the room with beauty and elegance. Now it could fall on top of me and crush my body. I decide that moving quickly but swiftly would be safer than slow. I dart under it. It sways and a few small pieces fall. I made it across. I look at the desk and find it humorous that people would pay money to stay in this once-luxourious place, while I stay here for free. The sun only gives enough light for me to find the stairwell. I walk up it. I open the metal door that leads to the first floor. I walk up to the closest door to the stairwell. I jiggle the door knob, and to my relief it opens without a fight. The room has a bed, a rug, and a bathroom, also what seems to be a small kitchen. I wonder if daddy knows about this hotel. I open my bag and get a match out. I pull out three tea candles and light them. I place one in the kitchen and two in the bedroom. I open up the bread and pull of a handful. I put it over a candle to warm it up. It didn't work, and now it smells like wax. I eat it anyway. After I eat I spread out my sleeping bag over the ground and ball up a towel I found in the bathroom to use as a pillow. I am not ready for sleep yet so I go into the kitchen and see if there is anything in the pantry. Nothing. In the bathroom, however, I find a small package of soap. I figure that I won't need it so I leave the bathroom. I sit on the floor by my towel-pillow, and take off my shoes. I take down my hair and crawl into the sleeping bag. As soon as my head hits the pillow I go to sleep.

       It is dawn. I prepare to continue. I blow out the candles, eat a slice of bread, roll up my sleeping bag, put the towel back, and close the hotel door. I jog down the staircase and run quickly under the glass obstacle. I open the doors and breath in the air. I walk a while humming a tune to myself. Today has been a rather okay day. Two or three birds fly overhead circling each each other, they seem so happy. I decide that when I get to the rest stop I will only stop for supplies, then continue on.

I open the door to the supply store, and notice something is strange. I hear something near the birthday isle. I turn the into the isle and.... I see a small squirrel gnawing on an old piece of cardboard. Rolling my eyes I chase it away. I stroll to the home supplies isle and grab a pack of cotton balls, expired window cleaner, and some body cloths. I heard chittering behind me, and I reach for the nearest object, a duster and throw it at the rodent behind me. The squirrel darts off. I feel silly for attacking a creature that keeps pestering me with a duster, and not my knife. Setting my pack down I pop open a can of corn I found. Slowly my eyes close, as if begging for sleep.

      When I wake up, it is thundering. I go back to sleep. Again I wake up, and the storm has stopped. I clean up my news and go outside. To my left is a fat, mangy, old grey tomcat feasting on the remains of a squirrel. I sigh and walk away. It's the only thing it seems I can do.

So? Today's chapter was a bit lengthy. Hope you have a happy thanksgiving!
   ❤️🦃- Janebook0

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