Chapter 6

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Bonnie's POV:
I felt depressed all of a sudden, I wore this outfit to impress Freddy, but..he's got Mangline. I winced and bit my lip when Mangline kissed Freddy's cheek. I sighed and turned to Bon Bon. She smiled sadly. "C'mon, lets get to work." She told me.

I nodded and walked over to grab apron.

A few hours later I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned and saw my cousin. "You know, you should really confess soon." Bon Bon stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Mhm, and how am I supposed to do that?" I asked.

"I don't about on christmas? It'll be sooooo romantic!" She gushed.

I gave a small smile. Maybe that would work. "M-Maybe...I can try.." I told her quietly.

She squealed and hugged me tightly. "C'mon! It'll be perf!" She proclaimed. She turned around. "FREDDY! BON AND I ARE LEAVING!!!!" She yelled.

Freddy tilted his head and looked over at us. "What? Why?" He asked.

"BECAUSE! I CAN AND I WILL!! PARCORE BEYOTCHES!!" Bon Bon guffawed. She started marching out of the room.

I sweatdropped. "Sorry Freddy.." I apologized.

Freddy smiled kindly at me. "No, its alright. Go do what you were doing." He commanded kindly.

I nodded and I hung up my apron. I walked out of the doors of the diner and got into Bon Bon's car.

Bon Bon was talking my ear off about how I should talk, walk, and even eat! I mean seriously?! I like to eat how I want thank you! She told me...I should eat like a lady. So then I told her, "Then I should find one." Which earned me a slap in the face. Ouch...

I was snapped out of my thoughts, by Bon Bon kicking my shin. I yelped and glared at her. She raised her hands in mock surrender. "Hey, you were the one spacing out." She defended.

I sighed and looked at my hands. "Do you think this will work?" I asked quietly.

She smiled and held my hand softly. "Of course it will...I will make sure of it." She remarked kindly.

I smiled and nodded my head. I couldn't wait. I loved Freddy so much! Here...Imma add so many emoji's...💓💕💖💞💘💗💚💜💙💛 emoji's done.

After dinner, Bon Bon took me to her place. She told me I should keep my distance from Freddy, so he gets desperate enough that he'll find ways just to be near me. Which...he already does haha!

I set up my 'bed', a.k.a the couch, and plopped down. I heard my phone buzz and I picked it up.

Freddy: Bonnie? Where are you? :P Chica's worried and she lost her phone so she can't message you.

I smiled in the beginning of the text, then I frowned slightly. He didn't want to know where I was I guess..

Bonnie: I'm at a friend's house. He and I are gonna hang out for the week when I'm off work.

Ehehe..if I can't make him worried..I'll make him jealous..

Freddy: Oh..Okay. I'll tell her. Thanks.

Bonnie: No problem~

I grinned and shut my phone off. Bon Bon came in a few seconds later. "Why so happy?" She asked, sitting next to me.

I smirked and shook my head heartily. "Just makin Freddy jealous." I told her.

She laughed. "Oh geez! Put the cranky, jealous, grizzly on my shoulders!" She complained.

Freddy x Bonnie, My First True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now