Chapter 2

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                                 Claire's POV 

Who's going to be next?

I wondered as I stared at the petals of the flower I held, they were dancing against my fingers. They were pink and pretty, struggling to be free and fly with the wind. So I let go of them,I let them fly and watched as one of them landed on a boy whose face read broken.

Oh,so you're the next person who's going to smile because of me today, I merrily thought as I looked at the boy. He wore a black jacket and black jeans. The boy walked fast and seemed to be in a hurry, so I had to run a little to reach up to him.

"Hey, I'm Claire, " I said, extending my hand towards him.

He ignored it and increased his pace.

"What's your name?" I asked from behind him, hoping to start a conversation. His back was turned towards me, so I couldn't see the expression that he wore.

After walking awhile in silence, he finally spoke up.

"Why are you following me?"

Ah thank God, I was beginning to think that you were dumb.

"I just want to make a friend , " I answered instead.

"Do I look like someone who can be friends with you?" he turned. His green eyes momentarily observed mine.

"Well, why not?"

A little girl carrying candies came sprinting in our direction. Before I could warn her she bumped right into the boy,spilling all the candies that she held. She muttered an apology before she began retrieving the candies.

"Let me help you," I said as I bent to pick up her candies. All this while the boy just stood and watched us pick up the candies.

"Be careful, little girl ,"I advised her  after all the candies were picked.

" Thank you, " she gave me her cutest smile and hoped away.

"Thanks a lot for helping me, you are such a gentleman," I said to him sarcastically as we resumed our walk.

"Thanks, " he faked a beam.

"Oh Lord, you are mean ! " I admitted and quickly felt guilty at my sudden outburst but at the same time he deserved to know that.

"Maybe that's why we can't be friends. Stop following me now."

I kept following him. This boy made me curious. I wanted to ask a million questions to him. The more he refused to tell ... The more I wanted to know. He was just so....mysterious.

"What do you exactly  want ? " he asked, irritated .

I just want to help you.

"When will you stop following me?"

"I'll stop following you after you answer a few of my questions. "

" 2 minutes," he wiggled 2 fingers in front of me. " You have 2 minutes to ask your silly questions .After that you'll leave me alone, got it ? "

"Fine. What's your name?" I repeated the question I'd asked him first.

"Brandon, " he replied.

"What do you do for a living? "

Surprisingly, the question made his pink lips curl into a smirk.
" If I told you, you're little heart would fear me."


"Also ," he continued "You'd call the cops."

                         Brandon's POV


That girl was the most stubborn being on the planet.

"Also, you'd call the cops, " I said, wanting to scare her a bit.

Instead, she laughed heartily.

It was a while since I'd heard a laugh like that. It was genuine and hearing her laugh felt strangely good. Like rain showered upon a parched, thirsty land .

"Why? Are you like..... A drug dealer or something? "

"Do I look like one? " I asked, expecting a yes for an answer.


Her optimism is going to kill me, I silently thought.

I'm worse than a drug dealer, I'm worse than anything imaginable.

"Sometimes... people are not what they seem ," I try to explain her.

All of us are struggling, all of us are broken, but we love to pretend as if we're perfect and whole. Clearly, this works for me. I am cold and I love it. If I allow myself to feel, my pieces will stab me.

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. "

She broke the silence and smiled.

The smile lit her round hazel eyes. The cold made her pale white cheeks and her thin nose turn red . Several locks of her mahogany hair fell at the sides of her face and at that moment, I realized that she was beautiful.


"Nothing ," I looked away.

"I've to go now. See you later, " she waved and disappeared into the mist gracefully.

A part of me wanted to never see her again and the other part of me wondered how the world is like through her eyes.


This chapter is dedicated to @ifrahnaaz1 for sparing some of her precious time   

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