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I stand all alone on a barren land. I don't remember how I reached here or when. I look around to find signs of life on this dead land but in vain. My eyes scan the place in search for a tree, a shade, anything that can shelter me from this scorching heat of the sun. I look at the sun right above me and give up immediately.Then from nowhere I see a beautiful girl coming towards me. As she walks,she leaves a trail of smooth leaves and flowers behind her. I recognize her immediately. She moves gracefully covering the last piece of this morbid land with her colourful flowers. She passes from in front of me. I try to reach out for her but she vanishes immediately....

" I'm here," a playful voice behind me calls. I turn and see her grinning at me. She throws a basket of flowers that has magically appeared in her hand at me.The small petals feel soft against my skin. I look at her, confused. And then her laughter fills the air. I should be mad at her, instead, I throw a handful of flowers at her too. She raises her hand to cover her face and giggles. She picks a pillow made of flowers and hurls it at me. Where the pillow came from, I have no idea. I feel nothing as the pillow falls at me; but I fall anyway, and land softly on the flowers beneath me.

This place feels like heaven ! I wish I could stay here forever. I open my eyes. I see her beautiful face suddenly disappear before me and so do the barren land and all her flowers... I try to grab the scattered petals on the ground but they vanish too. I desperately call out her name.
I call her again...
And Again... But only the darkness answers me.
I jerk awake from my sleep.

I reach towards the window. I do this usually when I need to calm down. Fresh air gushes into the room. I don't know if it's the smell of the air or its coolness that is helping me.

I think about the dream. I should have been dead but I'm not. I was saved by this very angelic girl in my dream. She came in like a whirl of wind and changed everything. I can still feel her near me. I can still hear her laughter. Her sweet smell reminds me how badly I want her here. If only I can know where she is...

A nurse knocks my door breaking my thoughts.
"Come in, " I say. She does so and waits for me to sit on that silly hospital bed which is the most horrible place in the whole hospital and the best place happens to be my room window. After I've settled, she checks me if I've got any bruises or swelling.

"Any sort of irritation with your vision, sir ?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

Here we go again, I think.

"No, " I reply plainly.

"Any breathing problem ?"

"No. "

"Any sign of nausea or dizziness ?"

"No. "

"Hmmm," She sighs and scans the documents in her hand. This happens every week. The doctors take record of my health to check if I'm making any progress.

"Sir, do you feel any uncomfortableness ... Or anything ? " she speaks up again, looking into my file .

"No, really ... everything's just fine, " I say losing my patience.

" Mr.Mathew, "she looks as at me and smiles, "Doctor Bay said that you are to be discharged this afternoon Since you are doing so well these days. So I would request you to pack your stuff. "

"Okay, " I reply in a bored tone.

Stop being so rude !!! I have no reason to behave with her this way .

"And one more thing," she hands me a form, "Please fill out this form to give the hospital feedback about its service," she smiles at me again. This time I try to smile back, which right now seems the most difficult task but I manage it anyway.

I pack my things : all my shirts, a get well soon card - given by the hospital, and The Letter. This hospital has a very high standard, it is perhaps the best hospital in the city which is why they come to give me farewell with all the bouquets and gifts. I thank them and head out of the hospital giving them a last farewell smile. I rush to get a cab; which at this time of the day shouldn't be a problem and luckily I do get one without much effort. I tell him the address of my apartment and hop on.

Moving into my home brings all the memories back and how badly I want them all back. I try to forget but the more I try the more I get exhausted. As a chore of habit, I look out of the window. Cool winter breeze touches my face. The view of the neighbourhood is pleasant. I can see a part of the sky blocked by a tall building, lined with several short buildings. At the end of the square I can see a beggar sitting, beside him stands a piece of cardboard which has a beautiful request written on it by the very same girl I had fallen in love with.

Hey guys ..! So I guess you all have got the idea that Brandon here seems to be a little depressed... read more to find out why.

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