Dear Dairy, (So who?)

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"So you are telling me I get rid of one person and my day will be prefect. "


I strap my watch on and he put hand over it stopping me.

"Bro, what up?"

"Give it to me."

I handed to him and he waved his hand over it. Then said, "Now if you reverse the time you can do a redo, but you can only do thirteen redoes."

"This is so cool."

I checked my watch "Well, thank you I gotta go. So, what do I do when I need you?"

"I know when I am needed, now who do you want to get rid of?"

I answer without hesitation, "Ms. Sally."

He snapped his figures and we ended up in a different room.

"Where are we?"

"Sally helped your Father with rent, now since she doesn't exist......"

"Where am I?"

"At your grandma's."

"She lives in the Tennessee, on a farm."

"Your not in Hoboken."

"Wait, how long have I been here, is Matthew here? Were is father?"

"Matthew is with your Uncle Taylor, your Father is in a section eight housing in a small town in New Jersey."

"Jay!!! The bus is coming in ten minutes!!!!"

"Well, I better go."

He left as I turned the knob slowly thinking to myself This can not be that bad.  I bite my lip as my grandmother yelled, "JAY GO CHANGE!!!! QUICK!!!!"

I ran back in my room and I went to my closet. Most of my clothes were typical country girl clothes, so I put a flannel over my shirt. Changed my bottoms into jeans, but kept my Converse.  I checked my time and occurring to my grandma I have seven minutes left. I left my room and my grandmother said, "I guess that will have to do."

"Grandma, what is for breakfast?"

"Pancakes, but hurry."

I quickly shoved it down my throat and then brushed my teeth as grandma grabbed my book bag that looked the same. I put on the most fake smile ever and ran to my grandma, grabbed my book bag then said,

"Thank you! I love you!"

"Have a good day!"

I ran up the hill by the mailbox, I took a deep breath as the bus stopped. I stepped up as a boy with a brown hair military cut style, brown eyes, and a red flannel yelled, "Jake I saved you sit."

I went along with it and sat beside him, "How are you doing?"

" The Zack has been great!"

I try not to laugh as I open my book bag to try to find my schedule.

"So Jack, the Zack has been thinking..."

"Are you going to refer to yourself in the third person all the time?"

A boy walked on the bus who was pretty cute he had hazel eyes, brown emo hair cut, and a plain black t-shirt. He yelled to me, "Jake, why are sitting by him?!?"

I got up, moved next to him, blushed, then said, "I was wondering the same thing."

"I can't believed it has been three years." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"Me either." I say one hundred percent truthfully."

He kissed my cheek then placed a paper ninja star in my lap that had a sticky note that said 'I love you'. It also had a bracelet on it.

"Three years ago I threw a ninja star threw your window, that had a sticky note attached that said, I love you!"

I looked at the star and it said From Logan.  I opened my book bag and I found a box that said, To the love of my life! Wow, who am I? I handed him the box.


I don't even know anymore.

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