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naтe'ѕ pov

Me and JJ and Sammy are sitting on the bleachers looking and watching the game! We're so pumped! It's unbelievable!


Cameron walks over with two people and says "mind if we sit here?"

"Actu-" I say but get cut off

"go ahead Cameron!" Sammy says and Scoots over.

Cameron sits in the middle of me and Sammy "hi! I'm Cameron! This is Nash and Taylor and shawn! The rest of the guys are over there by the food stand"

"Um I'm Nate" I say.

"So Cameron! You got a boyfriend?" Sammy comes out and says.

"Well no actually, a lot of people think me and Nash are together. But he's my best friend!" Cameron says cheerily.

"Oh okay, Um I don't have one either!" Sammy squeals out and flutters his eyelashes.

I look out and Gilinsky got a touch down! We won! He won!

I run out on the field and so does JJ but Sammy is still amazed by Cameron.

"Good job!" I yell.

Gilinsky picks up JJ and gives me a bro hug. "Holy shit" Sammy yells out

Jack puts down JJ and says "let's celebrate! How about we go out to a club?"

"Yeah!" Sammy yells out from behind me.

"You like to dance Cameron?" Sammy says.

"Yeah! I'm great at it!" Cameron says.

Sammy flutters his eyelashes again.

"Well what the hell are we gonna do about Sammy?" I say.

"What do you mean?" Johnson says.

This whole thing and university is screwed up.

"He's flirting with Cameron" I say.

"So?" JJ says.

"He'll just get fucked by Cameron and then boom Sammy's out and used." I say.

"Will you chill Nate?"  Gilinsky says.

Me chill? So far everything I've done.

I try to get in Gilinskys mans pants.

Sammy, pfft.  Easy access.

Gilinsky, Sammy wants.  but it seems sammy wants Cameron now?

We all get on the bus to go to a club called "dance energy"

I sit down and someone sits with me.

"May I help you?" I say.

"I'm Kian!" He yells

Someone pops over the seat and says "and I'm jc!"

"I'm Nate" I say.

Kian puts his hand on my knee and says "so Nate, you like me?"

"Kian. I don't screw people I just met"

"Bullshit!" I hear Sammy yell.

"Well do you?" Kian says

"Kian as a friend." I say.

"That'll change" he says.

What the hell is seriously wrong with all these people? 👇🏼

Whatcha think?

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