What Tangled Webs We Weave

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before you all begin, I'd like to first thank you for actually giving this book a chance and I hope I wont dissapoint you. the story is typed via phone so please excuse the grammatical or spelling errors. if you have any suggestions for how this story should continue or maybe to help improve my writing skills then you are most welcome to write to me via my email address paul.volau09@gmail.com. thank you again for your time and enjoy.



" Wake up you dumb blonde "

" it is true, blonde I am physicially but that I am not mentally"

" good to know Rieta!"

"shhhh yourself Paul"

Arieta ( pronounced airietuh) is a blonde, plump, caucasian looking girl that couldn't run to save her life, with a face that has a mess-with-me-and-you're-messing-with-the-devil look with an occassional smile and a charming sense of humour to go with that bright smile of hers. To know her is to know the god of all sarcasm and doped kids you could ever know all mashed into one. with the type of personality she has and the type of family she comes from she always proves to be a handful with her friends but not so much with the teachers. I'd love for you to get to know her yourself so I'll let you mingle with her for a long while throughout the story.

and then you have Paul, tall, broad and a teeny little bit plump. Any stranger that would meet him for the first time would immediately know that he is a carefree, fun and outgoing person that loves to criticize everything and anything on two feet, breathes, thinks for itself and talks. but, like every body else Paul has limits to his mean side and often, if not all the time is really the best person to hang out with for a good laugh if you give him just the right dosage of sugar and caffeiene.

Currently they were having their english class - mind you they always spent the whole day in one room with their lessons with their teachers with the only exception of recess and lunch and of course when they break up for the end of the day - and being one of the most lulling classes ever created Arieta decided to have 45 minute nap ( basically the whole class)  to catch up with her 'beauty sleep' ( her words). Paul being one of the geeks (with glasses and all but surprisingly quite built for a geek) sat upright struggling to stay awake to listen in on the class discussion going on but decided to annoy Arieta to keep himself entertained instead.

"Entertain me!" said Paul pouting poking arieta.

"you want entertainment? stare at Nancys face, I swear it gets me everytime!" Arieta said laughing.

Nancy sitting in the front of the both of them, upon hearing her name decides to look back and glare at the two main soures of her problems.

"My face is a mirror hoe, go find your own entertainment " retorted Nancy.

Arieta gasps fakingly, clutches a hand to her heart and says "that is... so ...kind." she wipes at an imaginary tear "the most kindest words I've ever heard from anyone really!" she continues wiping at her imaginary tears when Nancy decides to give another retort.

"That's because you dont have anyone blonde whore"

Paul decides at that moment to step in front of her friend in case it all spirals out of control like all other ..... disagreements.

"Geez Nancy, take a chill pill" Paul said trying to calm Nancy, but Nancy wasn't having none of that, the girl was already red and fuming she might as well be blowing out steam literally through her ears and nose being so fueled with so much anger.

"shut up fag, you're as ugly as her both inside and out and have I mentioned that you're getting as fat as her too!" Nancy says fuming with anger unaware of the hurt Paul tries to hide. I swear this girl has a short fuse.

The English teacher hearing their mayhem decides that that should probably be enough , like Paul, thinking that again if their ...... disagreement should continue, they will most likely end up in another conflict - being the understatement - again like how they always do ...... on a daily basis.

"Nancy please face the front" says the english teacher and before Nancy could complain, hastily she adds "and Paul please take Arieta with you for a quick one over around the school hall, and please dont linger for too long"

"yes ma'am" says Paul with the discipline he is quite known for, trying to reassure the teacher with a mocking salute.

Paul stands up to help Arieta to the corridors but she stands up before Paul can even blink and struts out the door giving Nancy the middle finger before anyone could even comprehend what was happening. Paul following after her in a rather somber mood tries to cheer up the atmosphere by bringing up a topic to keep them distracted. so they try to lift the mood by starting an animated discussion about the recent releases of their favourite bands albums quickly forgetting their recent mishap unaware of another activity going on at the very class that they had just left.

Back at the classroom, 4 beautiful strangers entered the classroom earning everyones attention. The class as a whole was practically drooling at the sight of them. Upon entering, the class teacher introduced them as the new students assigned to their class and asked the new strangers to reintroduce themselves properly as in names and stuff than they could go and sit down.

The first one which was tall and built (well all of them were well built really), with muscles more refined that obviously told everyone that he worked out alot, decided to step forward so he could get it over and done with.

As he opened his mouth to talk, everybody in class espescially the girls leaned towards him and their new found crushes on the esge of their seats, mouths agaping, watering from their new delicacy that awaited to be touched and explored by them.

"my name is..."

so....what you think...*winks* nice huh...*winks again*
sorry for the cliffhanger -if that's what it could even be called- and if you would be as so kind as to touch or click on that little star if you think this chapter deserves it and remember for suggestions you're most welcome to share your ideas via comment or email me at paul.volau09@gmail.com. oh and bee tea dubbz if you wanna help me out in making a better cover for this story and sending it in, again it would be much appreciated. Thanks! I promise to make a shout out if you want me to or if you think I'm worthy enough to!

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