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Hey guys. so sorry for having to make you guys wait for so long. <3 thanks heaps for reading so far, and giving this book another chance by taking a step forward into chapter two. I hope you guys are well and I apologize for any grammatical and spelling errors that may exist within this chapter. Please do not hesitate to correct me and comment like so on this chapter. Sorry for the cliffhanger in the last chapter. I hope it was enough to get you guys to wait for the update as it is here. I don't know how often I'll be updating but your comments will determine the rate at which I update. So sorry guys.

Excuse my style of writing but at times I will insert some of my own comments so I apologize now and hope and pray y'all can understand. For questions? Don't hesitate to ask by commenting.

Oh and that on top is Matthew Daddario as Xander. As the chapters progress, for sure I will give y'all more photos of the characters.

Love y'all.

Panda vii


Chapter Two – The Meeting.

"My name is Xavier" and silence engulfs the classroom as everyone hangs on to the edge of their seats waiting to see if this hunk of a specimen will have anything else to say.

Sadly for them, that was all he had to say. So onwards into the classroom he walked to find an available seat, hopefully one that's secluded from the rest of the class and luckily he did find a seat empty at the far corner to the left of the classroom.

Back in the front of the classroom an equally built girl took Xanders place

"I'm Alexis; it really is nice to be here. Sorry for Xavier's behaviour. He and I from Tapanui and we hope to get along with y'all."

Resonating with a beautiful aura she beamed as she bounced along into the classroom and seat next to the ever so demeaning Xavier.

Majority of the pupil's thoughts revolved around the two beautiful beings that were part of the new addition and whether they were siblings or maybe they were romantically involved. After all, in some sense they were exact opposites.

Xavier carried an intimidating aura that would remind someone of a minute grim reaper and obviously ain't nobody would want to risk their lives over a simple short conversation fuelled one sided by wild and raging hormones, I mean after all he was hot and hot didn't even begin to cover how amazing he looked.

I swear if a sex god existed, these four would be the epitome of the sex God in different forms. I'm pretty surer the whole class felt that the sex god came down to the Earth in four different forms to test this class and boy was the class going to try and pass this test, if you know what I mean.

So back to Xavier, as tall and amazingly beautifully structured he was; he had an equally repelling aura. He has the dead look on his face that kind of has the saying of "come within five feet of my personal space and I will behead you and your family". I think that pretty much sums his demeanor.

Alexis on the other hand has a beautiful and open aura displaying what an absolutely angelic person she seems to be. She reminds people of the building energy in the transition from winter to spring. Even while seating Alexis still had some energy oozing from her so much so, it was affecting the students around her just by a look. How Xavier remained unaffected was a wonder. They must've spent much time together that Xavier's developed some form of immunity to it.

Meanwhile back to the front of the classroom, the remaining two guys had yet to introduce themselves.

"The name's Xander, Kaitangata's where I'm from. Thank you" said the bigger one of the two.

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