~Chapter 10~

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Today was the day I actually learned how to drive a car. And for free, If I may add.

The struggles of Vanessa teaching me a few months ago was disastrous. Starting the car led me to almost bumping into our neighbors car. Making a turn seems like a roller coaster ride and don't even get me started on parking. Lets hope a professional driver can teach me this time.

I wasn't sure what look I was going through today. I was wearing simple jeans and a pink top. Figured if it was just me and a teacher in the car, no use in looking to fancy.

Dad even drove me to the place, owned by the ever so famous Ricky Lynch, aka Ross' dad. He kept babbling about how nice it would be for me to drive. Dad always had this obsession with cars. It was described as his side hobby outside of work.

"Ready sweetheart?" He asks, stopping the car. He didn't even give me a chance to reply before he got out. I followed soon after.

The place was huge in land. There was a road seen behind the fences that went in circles, with different signs at every corner. His father was seen coming out the glass doors, greeting us.

"Charles, Laura." He acknowledges with a smile as he came down the flight of stairs. My dad shakes his hand and gestures to me like I was a Las Vegas show stomper. "Its time. Its finally time. My baby girl." Dad gushes as I turn my head slightly to secretly roll my eyes.

"Well lets see what she could do." I heard Ricky say in their conversation.

They talked for a while more about the construction and such and soon my father finally left. I didn't really want him to watch me destroy all the cars here. Ricky lead me inside where I immediately felt the cold air conditioning cool my skin.

"Take a seat, Laura." He gestures to the chairs. "And I'm gonna need you to fill this out before you start." He gives me the papers along with a pen.

Great, it felt like having an exam. Minus the hard questions of course. The place was empty, like I was the only person in Corin who still doesn't know how to drive.

I jotted down the form from name to age to all sorts of questions. It didn't take a while before I was done. Ricky seemed to have retrieved to his office, so I approached the lady at the counter and handed her my form.

"Oh you're done. I'll call Sir Lynch." She smiles, going to the back door which I assume leads to his main office.

I was quite impressed by Ricky Lynch's establishments. He owns like half of the city for crying out loud. A bit exaggerated but not too far off.

His name was engraved in a golden plague, which was hung neatly at the wall with certificates of his driving school excellence.

He comes out momentarily with a get up that could only be described as a pretty cool adult. He changed into normal pants and a jacket as his top. You wouldn't think of him as a owner of this school, not even close.

"Okay let's get started shall we?" He gestures me to the glass doors which leads to the road track.

"Um, Shouldn't I get like a written test before I go out there?" I asked, obviously confused. I don't know much about the system in getting a licence but I'm pretty sure my skills on the road didn't go first.

"Don't worry, I got that covered. I'll be teaching you directly." He smirks. He goes to the door and I immediately follow him outside.

"Wait. Are you telling me I'm skipping the written exam?" I tried catching up to him as he walks calmly to one of the cars.

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