Pool Party: Pt. 1

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On my way home to go shower, I called Alexis after football practice ended. After a few seconds, she finally answered.

        "Hey, boo." She said into the phone. I smirked. "Hey, you at the mall yet?" I tried to listen in on her background.

        "Yeah, we just got here. But let me call you back, it's kinda crowded here." The loudness said it all. "Alright, Lex. I'mma catch you at Chris's. Stunt on 'em." Then I hung up.

        Pulling up into the driveway, I grabbed my duffle bag and went into the house. No one was home, since it was complete silence. Going upstairs, I went to my bathroom, taking a quick shower.

* 5 minutes later *

        I glanced at the time on my phone, 5:27pm it read. So I had some time to kill. I threw on some basketball shorts and socks and started up my PS4. Nobody would be online, assuming Chris and Rashawd was getting ready. After 10 minutes of not having anything to do, I went on Netflix and turned some movie on, that I wasn't paying attention to. Busting into my room, my little sister, Courtney, jumped onto my bed next to me. Catching me off guard, I shot her a glare and she just laughed. Snatching the controller out of my hand, she turned on some Lifetime movie. Instead of protesting, I left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. Since she was home, I guess dad was home too.

        Going over to the pantry, I got me a bag of chips. Looking outside the sliding door that leads to the backyard, I saw my dad out in the backyard sitting on the patio. Seeing swan floaties in the pool, it explained why Courtney's hair was wet. I slid the door open and walked out to sit next to him on the lawn chair. He was smoking a cigar, as usual. He had his shades on but I felt his eyes on me.

        "Where's CeCe?" He referred to Courtney. "Told ha lil ass to go wash up."

        "Uh, she in my room. Want me to go get her?" I was about to stand up until he gestured me to sit down. "Nah, I got her later."

        "Mom went to work already?" Noticing she wasn't here. "Yeah. She's been on the phone all day, she made dinner before she left." He responded. "Bout that.. I'm going out tonight." I said. My dad looked at me. "Where? And you not going to eat?"

        "Pops, chill." I laughed. "I'm going to Chris's house. He throwing a pool party." He continued to look at me. "I'mma eat before I leave." Knowing that's what he wanted to hear.

        "Is his parents going to be there?" He took a puff from his cigar. "Nah, they out of town. But I thought you was going to be in the office all day."

        "I cancelled all my appointments and meetings because I knew you was going to that party and I didn't want Courtney to be by herself at no 11 at night." He smirked.

| 6:48pm| Chris's House |

        Getting out my car, I walked into Chris's house since it was unlocked. "Aye Chris, where you at?" I glanced into the living room and the dining room. "I'm up here." Jogging up the stairs, I opened up his door. He was sitting on one of his beanbag chairs on his game. Rashawd sat next to him.

        I took a seat on the bed. "Ain't you supposed to be getting ready?" Chris paused the game. "Nigga, go home then. Come in here complainin' like a lil bitch the party ain't started yet." I heard Rashawd snicker. I leaned back and I made sure to kick him in the head. He yelped out. I laughed.  I took a seat on the bed. "Ain't you supposed to be getting ready?" Chris paused the game. "Nigga, go home then. Come in here complainin' like a lil bitch the party ain't started yet." I heard Rashawd snicker. I leaned back and I made sure to kick him in the head. He yelped out. I laughed. "Kick me again and I'mma beat yo ass." Rashawd said, as his back was turned towards me. "Whatever, nigga."

        After a while, it went quiet but the cop sirens and shooting filled the background. I texted Alexis, only for her to tell me she's busy getting ready. I put my phone back in my pocket and put my hands behind my head. I zoned out for a while, looking at the wall.

        Then, Chris was on the phone. The game was paused. Since I was bored, I tried listening in to what I could hear. "Babe, babe." He kept saying. "Just... Just come through in a minute. I'mma get these fools outta here, 'kay?" A pause. "Alright, bye."

        "Who that?" Rashawd questioned before I could. Chris opened his mouth but the door opened. Tré came stumbling in with his arms wrapped around Tiffany's waist. Truth be told, I really don't know why he was even with her, or why she stayed with him. Yeah, we talked sometimes and he's my girlfriend's brother but other than that, all he does is fuck her all night and flirts with other girls and all she do is take him back. I never said anything, but Alexis told me she tried reasoning with him.

        "My nigga Chris." Tré grinned. He went over to said boy's nightstand and opening the drawer, rummaging through it. "Just-" Tiffany turned in his arms, kissing him and tugging on him. "I'll be right back." He walked out the room. And from what I saw in his hands, he had a box of condoms. I sighed in relief.

They were such a mess.


        The party was packed within an hour. I stuck around Chris for a while with Rashawd. Alexis still was nowhere to be found. It was just a pool party, does it take that long to put on a bikini and roll out?

        I took a sip of punch and glanced over into the crowd. Somebody was coming in our direction. Was that Anaya? Fuck. "Hey, uh-" Before I said anything else, Chris wrapped his arm around her waist. The fuck? "Hey, guys." She waved with a smile. My eyebrow rose. Anaya and Chris? At least she was now off my back.

        "Oh, I forgot to tell you bitches Anaya's my girlfriend now." He told us. Anaya and Chris.. guess that ends her annoying infatuation with me.

        "The last of us to get a girl as I see it." Rashawd laughed. Chris kicked him. "And you was just a nigga Nia couldn't stand in the fifth grade." I snickered. It was true.

        Hearing my ringtone go off, I pulled my iPhone 6+ out of my pocket. Looking at my screen, it was a picture of me and Alexis on the beach holding hands. "Aye." I said, sliding the answer button across the screen. "Hey, we here." I was already telling Rashawd to come with me to the front of the house. "Alright, here we come." Hanging up the phone, Rashawd and I saw the girls walking up to us. "Dang, I see why you was late, but damn don't you got bikinis?" I laughed. Grabbing my hand, Alexis kissed me as we made our way in through the house to the party.

Author's Note:

michikomalandro is working on a new story ❤️ She may update 30 Days but spoiler for new story: it's a celebrity pairing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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