Of Course I Would ~~ Harry

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Year: Sixth
House: any
(y/l/n) = Your Last Name

"Mudblood." Draco scowls, gazing at you walking past him.

"Ew, Pureblood who isn't a blood 'traitor'" You mocked him, stopping to raise an eyebrow toward his behavior.

"Is that supposed to challenge me?  My father will hear about this." His eyes turn into slits.

"Was that supposed to be threatening?  My mother will not be amused." You mock him again, gaining the attention of people passing by.

He grabs your arm, pulling you toward him, whispering in your ear, "You will pay for this, I will get you."

Shoving you backward, you stumble a little.  People continue walking and you notice your mouth is open slightly.  Your face feels numb, and you're so confused.  But, you continue your walk to Herbology, which just so happens to be with Draco.  On your way there, you saw Peeves creating havoc in the hallway you were supposed to turn into.  Instead, you took a longer way to Herbology.  It was a less taken path by most, littered with abandoned classrooms, but you liked it.  It was quiet and comfy, you zigged and zagged down it, taking your time.  You heard someone clear their throat behind you.  Whipping yourself around, causing your hair and shoulder bag to fly around.

"Why would you scare me like that.  You wouldn't like it if I did that to you, Draco."  You clutched the fabric of your shirt, where your heart is.

"I told you I would get you back.  Oh, but I'm not done." He smirks devilishly.

"I don't want to hurt you, but I', prepared to, for self-defense." You hold up your wand, shakily.

He mirrors you, flicking his wand out quickly.  He had a steadier grip, causing you to think he had a plan.  Before you could even open your mouth to yell out a spell, you feel you feet getting tugged into the air.  Now, you're hanging by your feet in the air.  Almost dropping your wand, you look at him.

"Stupefy!" You scream, making him lose concentration on you, falling onto the ground, he starts flying backward, "Rennervate!"

Right as he is un-stunned, he hops up, wand ready.

"Sectumsempra!" He yells at you.

You feel an excruciating pain, almost like a blade slicing you.  Falling to your side, you lie on your back.  Blood oozes out of you, causing your clothes to stick to you.  Tears silently stream down your face.  You hear Malfoy sprint away.  Letting out a strangled sob, you close your eyes.  It hurts, so bad.  You're starting to get light headed now, whimpering loudly.  Everyone is in class, no one can hear you.  Laying there, not moving, light headed from blood loss.  The blood keeps flowing like your tears.  It is painful, very much so, but you're starting to feel it less and less.  Smiling now, laughing, delusional from losing too much of your blood.  It seems to last forever, your blood is mostly dry now.  Tears cake your face, new ones still constantly streaming.  Footsteps start to ring out, more than one person.  People gasp as they see the corridor you lay in.  Someone runs up to you.  Keeping your eyes closed, you're cautious not to move, for it would hurt too much.  They place a hand on one of your cuts, making you let out an ear piercing scream.

"NO!  DON'T TOUCH ME!" you recoil, wincing in pain.

"I'm trying to help." I familiar voice says.

"IT'S NOT HELPING!" You continue to yell.

"It will!  I promise."

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" You try to get up, almost succeeding, but you collapse in more pain.

"Don't move, it'll make it worse."


"Too bad, get over it, I'm helping."


"No.  I'll wait for you to get better."

"I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP!" your eyes almost feel glued shut.

"Stop, I'm helping you no matter what."

"I'M GOING TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING BY MYSELF!  LEAVE ME ALONE!" You start trying to walk, opening your eyes slightly.

It is blurry, but you can make out the end of the hall where people crowd to see what has happened.  Stumbling over to it against the wall, you leave streaks of blood on the walls.  People move for you, but you feel a hand on your shoulder.  It hurts again, and you can't take it.  You double over in pain, screeching loudly.

"Mr. Potter!  I advise you to step away from the lady." You hear Professor Snape say, turning a corner into the hall.

"I didn't do this Sir.  I swear it wasn't me." So Harry was trying to help you.

"Get away from Ms. (y/l/n)!  Dare I say it one more time?" You feel the hand lift off of you.

"I didn't do it!"

"I'll take care of her, everyone, begone."

You clutch your chest, it hurts awfully.  Snape mutters something and you feel less light headed.  He does it again, you think he say 'Vulnera Sanentur', but you're not quite sure.  Again he says it, causing the pain to hault.

"Tha-" you choke out before you fall unconscious.

"Professor, everyone saw her like that so I went to help!" Harry whisper yells from beside you.

"Mr. Potter, I don't want to hear this from you anymore.  You already have detention, would you like more?" Snape seethed through clenched teeth.

"No sir."

Your head throbs, causing you to remember the horrid pain from before.  Without thinking, you reach out for Harry's hand.  It happens to be resting on the hospital bed and you clutch it tightly.  Turning onto your side, you feel Harry tighten his grip on your hand.  A smile smile etches itself onto your face.  The doors shut and you know that means snape had left.  Your breathing steadies, almost like you've fallen asleep.  Harry doesn't release your hand, instead, he leans down and kisses your cheek.  Unknowingly, you turn and return his kiss on his lips.

"Harry?" you open one eye.

"(y/n)?" He raises a brow.

"I've always found you cute, I didn't think you would ever notice me."

"I have for some time now, I didn't think you would like me."

You smile, "Of course I would!"

You peck his lips before drifting off to sleep.

I'm sorry this is out late!  I did my nails and I took it too seriously (like always) and it took so long!  Then I forgot about this until around when I was going to post it!  Ugh, so confusing. Anyway, hope to see you for tomorrow's preferences!

Ahhhh!  It didn't publish last night!  I pushed the publish button and it didn't go, so stay tuned for today's preferences!  Love you all!  Plus we have over 100 reads!  What?!  I totally freaked out to my friend and she got so confused as to what I was blabbering about!  I'm ending all sentences in exclamation marks I'm that excited!  Jejdkfjdbwbs!  Have a good day!!! :D

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