Chapter Twelve.

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Let me live, let me breathe -Unknown

-Basement bedroom in the MM


"Out, get out" I unlocked the doors "I'm fuckin' tired of yo' ass, man . You pissin' me the fuck off!"

"So you seriously don't love me anymore?"

"Get out my car, Amber!"

"No, because I know you love me"

I opened the passenger door, pushing her out, slamming it back shut. She started screaming and crying, causing me to roll my damn eyes- I pulled off.

This isn't the time nor the place to be dealing with some shit that only stresses me out more. My only motive was to get to Atlanta and kill this gay nigga.

Who the fuck molests little boys- especially your own sons? On top of that, beat your own daughter and wife? Yes, I am very protective, and I have no shame in it at all. I wanted everything to be fine and drama free, but it seems that my life revolves around all this drama shit. I can never get one break, not one- without irrelevant people popping up.

I hoped they had some matches and gasoline in the house. Just hoping.

Genai kept calling me and blowing up my phone, and I finally answered.

"Yes, baby?"

"Cordyn, what are you doing?"

"I gotta handle something for a little bit"

"You're not going to kill him are you?"

"Yes I am, why?"

"Cordyn, don't... Think about what will happen afterwards"

"Like what? Jail?"

"Yes! You're acting like it's not a big ass deal"

"Because it's not" I sighed "Look, I'mma call you later, okay? I love you"

"I love you too" She huffed

"Say it like you mean it, Bubs"

"I love you too, Denny"

"There you go" I smiled "I'll be back by tonight, I promise"

"Don't break that promise"

"I won't, I got you" I kissed through the phone, hanging up, tossing it in one of the cup holders


Walking into the house, it was silent- literally, no noise being made except for my soft footsteps and heavy breathing.

I looked around, seeing puddles on blood and knives on the ground. Frowning, I put my past aside and went down in the basement. Opening the door, I went down the various amount of steps. Tiny splashes were made underneath my feet as I walked in a dark room. 

I turned on the lights, seeing Carter naked, his hands tied as he was asleep.

Walking over to him, I grabbed his clothes from off the floor, trying to wake him up. Slipping his shorts on, he wouldn't wake up at all. I checked his body, not seeing any kind of scars or anything. I looked over at the clear cup, taking a little sniff.

Shit, rubbing alcohol.

I quickly untied the medium-large knots, tossing the rope to the side.

"Carter," I shook him, he wouldn't budge "Wake up, man, please"

Hearing heavy footsteps from a distance, I put my gun's safety off. I sat on the edge of the bed, it shifted a bit, Carter's foot hitting my back.

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