The beginning of her destiny.

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The midnight clock struck as the stars shun within the night sky. There was the noise of wings flapping within the sky as many owls had come to deliver. Deliver a very special letter that would change the life of a single child for the rest of their lives. An owl perched on the roof of an old building. It was covered in old vines that were blooming within the moonlight. The feathered bird scratched at the roof with its small talons as is chirped while turning its head to scan around the area. Its head moved back and forth quickly before dropping down off the roof onto a small moss covered ledge. It tried to peer into the window, but dust and cobwebs had stopped his view.

His eyes saddened slightly as he tried to push the large glass window open, avoiding the large hinges from making noise. His little beak pushed its way into a tiny hole within the gap of the windows and slowly he pushed forward, making the window swing open, the hinges creaked loudly as the wind flies through the window, pushing it harder, forcing it into the walls. The owl flinched and flapped his wings slightly while buffing up his chest feathers. This owl was on a mission. He carried on into the room, step by step, not making a single sound and silently, he flew over to a table that was within the room. He placed the letter onto the table and fluffed up his feathers. A small noise seeps out of under a pile of clothing and patched work blankets. The room itself was small and tightly packed, the floor was covered with bits of scrap food, ripped clothing as well as bits of paper that had scribbles on them. 

The owl hopped off the table and moved its way over to the pieces of scrap paper and glanced down at them. Images of horses, stars and hearts, but one piece of paper didn't quite seem like the rest. It was covered in words, and an image of a dragon that seemed to be made of fire. Taking this certain piece of paper within his beak, he jumped back onto the table where his letter sat firm and looked towards the heaped pile of blankets and clothing then made his way over to the window.

"Don't go...Please..."

He turned his head to the pile of clothing. A small hand slithered its way out of the pile, almost like a snake slithering across the ground after its prey as the pile of clothing started to shift and tumble off the figure. A small girl lay sleeping on top of a broken bed; springs poking out at the sides as well as the mattress itself were torn and old. Long blonde hair fell off the side of the bed, it was dirty, untidy, yet it had a pure sense to it as it fells gracefully towards the floor. The owl tilted its head and moved over to the girl a bit while tilting his head.

so this is the girl...

He fluttered his wings while picking up the scrap paper that he had left on the table, he turned his head yet again to look at the girl before making his way back to the moss covered window-sill and waited. He pushed his head backwards to get a last look at the moon before leaving to return home.

The owl hopped off the table and moved its way over to the pieces of scrap paper and glanced down at them. Images of horses, stars and hearts, but one piece of paper didn't quite seem like the rest. It was covered in words, and an image of a dragon that seemed to be made of fire. Taking this certain piece of paper within his beak, he jumped back onto the table where his letter sat firm and looked towards the heaped pile of blankets and clothing then made his way over to the window.

The night soon passed as the sun slowly rose to the skies. The sun shone brightly as the sounds of the chirping birds was heard from miles away as they chattered and greeted each other. The rays of the sun slowly crept into the room of the young girl as a large screeching voice was heard from outside her room.

'Hana! Get up now dear! It's time to eat!'

Ugh, morning so soon? I was having such a nice dream.

The figure raised her head from the 'pillow' and slowly placed her hand onto the side of her head, letting out a large yawn while keeping her eyes closed. Placing her hands back onto the bed, her green eyes looked around the room blinking every 10 seconds as she allowed her vision to focus. Yawning again, she shifted her body to allow her legs to dangle off the sides of the bed and place her small foot onto the cold wooden floor beneath her. Tapping her foot three times, she swung her body backwards then using the momentum, pushed herself off the bed with a jump, landing herself in the middle of the small room.

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