3: An Unwanted Welcoming

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A few hours later on the train, the girls were busy chatting and talking about all of the experiences and the magic that they may learn while a Hogwarts.

"I bet we'll learn how to make a dragon!"
"A dragon? Why not a snake, or a dinosaur, or maybe even...even"

While Hana was busy thinking of another creature that they might learn to wipe up in a spell, the door to the carriage that the girls sat in quickly opened and slammed shut within seconds, and a figure was moving itself under Hana's seat while she was still pondering on her thought. Skye tilted her head to the side as she watched the figure squeeze themselves into the small gap and covered their face with a long sleeved coat.

A face appears at the window to the carriage, peering into the girls and moving their eyes around the carriage before moving onto the next carriage. A small chuckle came from under Hana's seat as the figure started to move out from under the chair, raising to their feet.

"A Llama!"

An awkward silence broke out within the carriage as both Skye and the new figure were both staring at her, stunned by the random outburst. Hana's face grew a large grin reaching cheek to cheek as she looked at Skye, and then to the mystery person who was under her seat.

"Er who are you?"

The mystery person put on an awkward smile as it fully emerged from under the chair and sat down next to her while keeping an eye on the glass window at the other students that were going past. Skye and Hana watched him as his blonde hair covered his eyes slightly as the small smile leaves his face.

"Name's Chris, but don't say it so loudly while my brother's walking around...he's on the edge of killing me at the moment."

Chris had a rather large circler object within this pocket that looked like it was wrapped up within wrapping paper with a little tag on it. Glancing at him, Hana slowly moved her hand towards the object and touches it slightly with the tip of her finger. She flinched suddenly as Chris grabbed her arm and looks at her, eyes meeting. Time seemed to freeze for a couple of seconds before he let go of her arm, allowing her to pull it back and rubbed the area slightly.

"Yeez, touchy are we."
"Don't touch it...it's a gift."

A gift? I wonder who that is off.

Chris pouted slightly and let out a deep breath while taking it out of his pocket and holding it close. He left out a deep slightly and smiled a bit while holding the small ball closer to his face

Hana and Skye just grinned while watching him, thinking all that they can think of.

"Maybe it's from his girlfriend."
"Na, it has to be from his mom!"

His face went red while watching them. He opened his mouth to speak, but the girls just cut him off, taunting him about the object and who could of given him it, but they were both far off.

"No...a girl didn't give me it."

The girls gasped and stared at him with questioning eyes, ready to pounce at the answer he was about to give.

"My brother gave me it as a gift...like a good luck thing for my first year."

The girls sighed and pouted, hoping for a more interesting answer. First year, that means that he was within the first year with them. Hana leaned back against the seat and smirked while closing her eyes, and before not long, she was once again asleep. Skye just giggled while looking at Chris and just smiled sweetly. What odd girls he began to think while watching Hana within her deep slumber, not noticing that Skye was watching his every move, his every blink of his eyes.

"Don't worry about her, she's always like that."

Chris just nodded slightly and leaned back within the seat himself and went on to explain that he was hiding from his brother and his friends. It was his first year here while it's his brother's second year at Hogwarts, and his brother wanted to try to give him a welcoming train gift...which is reality, isn't really a gift. The small ball was given before they left the house this morning while their mom and dad wasn't there and said to keep hold of it. Skye went on and told Chris about her family, how one was muggle and the other was a Wizard. Chris just smiled at this and moved over to her side of the cabin just as Hana fell sideways onto the rest of the red sofa seat.

The two just laughed at her and looked out the window to see a sight that they had never seen before. Hogwarts, their new home for the next year.

"I bet Hana is so excited."

Chris looked over at her as she pulled the window open slightly and allowed her hair to flutter within the small gust of wind that entered within the room. A small smile came onto her lips as she sat back down next to him. Chris just watched her in question, not yet knowing Hana's own back story. 

"She's an orphan."

Chris's eyes sadden slightly, not really expecting her to say that. So this place...will be like home for her then. Reminds me of when father was telling me about that other kid who didn't have parents when he was here.

The train started to slow as they reached the platform at Hogwarts.

Hana stirred slightly as the train pulled to a halt, stretching her arms up above her hair she let out a large yawn before allowing her arms to fall down onto the seat heavily, causing a thudding noise on the chair. She looked around allowing her blond hair to move and turn around her face before placing both hands onto the side of the chair, gripping onto the fabric to push herself off. Skye and Chris were already waiting outside the carriage surrounded by the other students that were attending that year, all in their robes clustered around the station. Hana stumbles her way through the corridor of the train while peering out of the misty glass windows feeling a slight chill down her back that made her shudder. Placing her hand onto the cold metal handle of the carriage shuttle door she shuddered again and removes her hand from the cold metal. Turning on the spot to look back behind her, her green eyes spotted a small shadow against the floor that slithered under the door of the far carriage room. Hana turned her head to look back at the exit door and turns back towards the door that the shadow had gone under. 

What was that…?

Sliding her foot forward to begin to walk towards the door, a large voice from outside the carriage bellowed loudly calling for all of the first year students to be rounded up and follow. She flinched hard as she turned her head quickly to look at the exit, moving her foot backwards she turned on the spot to face the exit door before placing hand back onto the handle and exiting the train carriage. 
That was…strange.

Stepping onto the platform, she turned her head towards a large crowd of first years all in silence and waiting to be ordered. She smiled a bit before walking over to them.

"She's here"

Turning her head left and right, she couldn't quiet work out where the new mysterious voice came from. It sounded rough, hurt even but also cold and bitter. The ice that's waiting to have some innocent fool come and touch it. Her small smile disappeared from her face and a curious look flashed across her face, wondering where it came from. Skye turned around while within the large crowd to look for Hana, she was standing next to Chris as he looked down at the floor and fondled with the item that was within his pocket. Spotting Hana out of the corner of his eye, he grabbed onto Skye's cloak slightly, tugging it and then releasing to point towards Hana.  Skye smiled widely before running over to the lost Hana; still waiting at the platform just off the train with a confused look on her face.

"Come on Hana!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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