Chapter 3: Uh-oh!

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"Mum? You okay?", I ask her but my voice comes out unnatural– slow, faint and far away. She pricks her finger and the blood runs too red, too thick.



Ring ring.

I pace around the hallway as I tap my index finger at the back of my phone impatiently, waiting for Gavin to pick up. I'm standing right outside our Chemistry class, waiting for May to walk out and join me in the cafeteria. She had a bunch of questions for miss Brooke, which she wrote down in fancy colourful handwriting during class, and she's been in there for at least five minutes.

Before I knew it, I found myself scrolling through my phone in search of Gavin's number. I've never called him during school hours and I probably shouldn't but the thought of him sitting alone at the store made my heart clench in my chest.

The phone rings yet another time and I sigh. He's probably busy anyway, I shoul-

"Hey, kid", he picks up right when I'm about to hang up and my breath hitches in my throat. "Sorry I kept you waiting but you're not gonna believe this".

I clear my throat, trying my best to ignore the warmth of a blush that's slowly painting my face. "What is it?".

"We just had a customer!", he exclaims, causing a joyful smile to light up my face at the word we. I instantly jump.

"Are you serious?!", I squeal, jumping up and down, forgetting where I am for a second. I can't believe there was a customer at Silver Star so early in the day. Miss Altomare, the only other customer besides myself, only comes in on Monday afternoons with her daughter so that can only mean one thing.

"A new customer?".

"Fuck yeah!", he chuckles at my reaction and I let out a laugh, still jumping, in sheer happiness.

"Oh, my God!", I breathe out, leaning against the wall for a second so I can gather my thoughts. "Gavin! You know what this means?".

"Your unexpected phone call brought good luck to the store?", he says sarcastically and I scoff, ignoring the way my heart flutters at his joke.

"I- well, probably", I reply, my tone dripping with sarcasm and a tiny bit of flattery. "But it mainly means the store is doing good. You remember the girls who came in on Friday, what if that was only the beginning?", I move my left hand as I speak faster, my excitement growing.

"I don't know. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, you know what I mean?", he mumbles and I just know that he's running his hand through his beautiful brown hair. "But honestly, I think it's because of Drake".

I pause for a second, obviously lost.

"The rapper?".

Gavin snorts. "No, the employee".

"You hired another guy?", I yell, my voice echoing around the hall. I lower my head, feeling embarrassed as a few students look my way and Gavin chuckles.

"I mean the new guy. Focus, kid". I raise my eyebrows before the realisation dawns on me and I let out a laugh, unable to stop myself.

"Sorry, Gav, but I'm pretty sure the new guy's name is Dean", I softly correct him, lowering my voice ever so slightly so no one hears me.

"No it's not, it's Drake", he insists confidently and I bite down my lip to stifle my grin. "A girl literally came in a minute ago asking when he'll be around".

"What?", I gasp, my smile fading.

"Yeah, she said she'll be back this afternoon when he gets here".

"Wait, let me get this straight", I let out an awkward scoff as I start pacing around. "We had a new customer.. because of Dean?".

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