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I'm hurt still I love him so much like fr when we first met I loved him he was funny and everything I'm just hurt I have u 2 chances and u treat it like shit u go behind my back still texting hoes I tried and now I done I give up he want to be with other bitches like fr he lie to me and then he thinks it's a game I'm just so hurt that I give my all too u but u cheat . I'm so done like frfr yes I love him he's so much but he play around with other girls see he's pm it's filled with hoes this message is to andree .......andree I don't get u . You say u love me then the next min u text another hoe saying if I break up with my gf I will date u like what kind of person say that I don't want to break up with u but the road your going is gonna be hard for me but I love u just know u hurt me a lot so I may not get on for this whole weekend kvng_Andree

IM HURT AND NUMB 😡💔😓😔😞😣😢😑😒😷✌🏽

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