dream jobs

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The exciting part my one and only dream job since I was a small kid im primary I wanted to be a model I used to play dressup,wear make up and wear high heels arrange my hair in styles. I used to draw clothes or make paper models and cut cloth pics in magazines or make them to stick on the model. Some of my friends say I can be a designer cause I draw alot of clothes different styles. Some say I can be a model with tht beautiful petit body of mine. But I dnt pan to be one now even though people still suggest. Now I wish I can be a veterinarian when I finish high school so tht I can start my studies and practices. When I get in S4 next year ill take biology,chemistry and in T.E agriculture. If I dnt get tht job my next option is waitress poor me but in T.E ill take hospitality dnt knw wat the future will bring just got to wait and see.

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