Hey hey hey my readersssss!! Just wanted to say that... Btw I'm writing on a phone so, yeah, many mistakes will okkure...... Right......... ON WITH THE STORY!
"Lily! Hurry up! We need to start packing!" I screamed down the phone, jumping up and down with excitement. I mean, what would I be doing, when I'm about to start packing my bags to move in with my 4 best friends and 5 best boys from every girls fav boy band!
Okay, fan girl moment over...
"Dessie! I'm deciding what to wear and I can't chooseeeeeee!!!!" Iily told me, dragging the choooseeeeee. Yea she's a fashion freak.
"Does. It. Matter?!?!?"
"Yes! I'm meeting ONE DIRECTION TODAY!"
"Well, I've been living with 1/5 of one direction since I was born!"
"Urgh! You win!"
Yeah! Lily: 0 destiny: 1
"Yay! Ya cumin' over then?"
"Yeah,one min!"
"Kk! See ya!" I said as I hung up the phone.
Right, oh god, 3 more phone calls! Wait, I'll just do a joint video chat. Like when there's more than just 2 people talking in it.
Add people:
Caity jones
Chloe Dellia
Jona carlss
"Hello?" Caity asked.
"Heyy, I'm doing a video chat with all the girls 'bout the trip to London." I told her, only Lily knows that we're staying with the boys 'cos its a secret... Mwahhaahahaha.... Hehe!
"URM.. Elo?" Chloe came online!
"Hey Chlo! Just havin a chat 'bout trip to London, were waiting for Jona to come on." I told her.
"Heyy, guys? What we talking 'bout?" She asked.
"Can you lot come over? Cos I've got some news!" Just as I say that I hear a latch open and close as Lily climbs through the window. We live next door to each other in apartments on our own so she just climbs through whenever. The other girls live a couple floors down.
"Oh hi Lil! I'm on video chat with the girls, there coming over soon!"
"Hi lilyyyy!" My iPad chorused, not exactly my iPad talking, it was the girls from video chat. Suddenly Jona went offline, followed by Chlo and caity, must be on there way!
Once they arrived, I sat them down, and screamed at them, "well you know we're staying in London," I start quiet, "and my brother is Louis Tomlinson" getting louder,"we are going to be..." Screamed..."STAYING WITH ONE DIRECTION AND LIVING WITH THEM FOR 6 MONTHS THEN GOING ON TOUR WITH THEM FOR A YEAR!!!!"
Screams filled the room and me and Lily couldn't stop laughing! How are we going to live with ONE DIRECTION for 1 1/2 years?
Comment, vote and read! Luv u!
Sorry it was Short the boys will come into the story in the next chapter if not the one after. :)